(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)

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As the SUZUKI Siblings snuggled together, SUNNY finding himself drifting back to sleep as MARI was having a very interesting dream herself...




MARI took a long breath in and opened her eyes, hearing birds chirping and a gentle breeze blowing through the grass fields. Looking around and then seeing herself, she saw the white dress and picnic blanket underneath her.

She was in her dream. Her comfort dream. And she felt SUNNY quickly hug her, looking down and seeing not the younger version of him she would always see... but the older version. He looked more like he did once he finally woke up. And that was a welcomed surprise for her.

SUNNY: "You're back! I missed you!" He squeezed her tighter before letting go. "C'mon! The others are waiting for us!"

MARI was pulled up, SUNNY holding her hand as he was ready to go down the hill. She was confused, looking ahead to where he was guiding her... when she saw them. The GREY FIGURES and... that Pale Figure that looked like BASIL.

He slowly turned his head, his glaring red pupils seen even from afar against his face. MARI felt a shiver run down her spine as she pulled her hand away from SUNNY. He quickly looked back and looked surprised and confused.

SUNNY: "Huh? What's wrong? Don't you wanna see them?"

MARI gulped, looking away from the figures and SUNNY as she stroked her hair. "N-No! I mean, n-not right now, okay? Let's just, stay up here, okay? F-For now at least..."

SUNNY turned around, staring down at the figures. MARI grew nervous, stepping forward and grabbing hid hand.

MARI: "L-Lets just leave them be for now... okay?"

He didn't turn around as she tugged lightly, staring down the hill as MARI didn't want to force him.

SUNNY: "... Do you hate them?"

MARI: "What? What do y-..." Such a fully loaded question threw her mind off the rails, rubbing her neck as she exhaled, looking at the ground. "I-I don't hate them, I just... think that they don't... want me there. S-So we should just leave them be until-"

"Until what?"

She heard a different voice, and as soon as she looked up, her eyes went pale and she grabbed SUNNY'S hand firmly.

PALE FIGURE: "Until we forgive you? Until we just forget what happened? What you DID to him?"

He was standing behind SUNNY, his red piercing gaze with that dull expression stared into her soul. She felt frozen in fear, trembling in place.

PALE FIGURE: "No... We're not letting you get away with I that easily. Aren't we?"

One blink, and MARI saw the blurry grey figured staring at her, emotionless faces with bright white eyes facing right at her. She shut her eyes quickly and pulled on SUNNY'S arm.

MARI: "j-Just ignore them! We need to go now SU- Ow!"

She felt her hand getting crushed, opening her eyes and seeing... the same massive pitch black hand she thought she saw on top of the stairs. She snapped her head up, looking at him while he was still turned away from her. Slowly, it turned it's head to her, and it's single glaring eye was staring right at her.

When it was facing her, it's head SNAPPED to the right, cracking heard as it's smile was slowly forming. It's limbs snapped and broke, extending as that hellish monster with the face of her brother formed rifht in front of her.

Staring... it's eye trembling with a silent rage as it's smile grew wider.

MARI couldn't look away, seeing it again as she tried to pull her hand out of its grip. Struggling desperately to escape before falling flat on her bottom, HELLSUNNY letting go of her and standing tall, towering over her as she crawled backwards away from them.

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