(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling

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KEL was kicking his feet as they barely dangled while sitting on SUNNY'S Hospital Bed. He was looking at his phone and saw the little "Read" next to his last text, but still had no answer.

KEL: "Think I should text them again? They haven't said anything since I told em' SUNNY'S up." He flipped his phone open and close while asking.

MARI: "Well... how'd you tell them? Maybe they think your joking? We're you serious about it?"

KEL: "... Yes"

MARI rolled her eyes and asked him to hand over his phone. He did with a nervous smile and chuckle, and once she read through it, she laughed a bit and covered her mouth. "KEL... Something like this needs a biiiit more maturity before you tell anyone."

KEL scratched the side of his face and chuckled. "I-I know, I know, I was just excited! Can't blame me for showing that through text."

MARI chuckled as she handed him back his phone. "Well, I'm sure they know you wouldn't joke about something like this, so they'll probably be here... not sure how fast, but we'll just have to wait and see."

She put her hand on KEL'S as the looked at one another and smiled. KEL then looked to SUNNY and his smile got even bigger. "Hey-hey! You're eating! I thought you said you couldn't taste though?"

SUNNY, swallowing the fruit he just ate, cleared his throat. "I-I can't... But the DOCTOR said I should still eat a lot s-so by body can heal faster."

MARI smiled and rubbed his arm, scootching closer to hug him lightly. She took a deep breath and exhaled softly. "Seeing you actually eat is such a huge change of pace. You don't need these IV drips anymore, and knowing that... feels like a huge weights been off my shoulders."

She kissed his forehead and KEL gave a wide smile as he laughed. "Same here, SUN-SUN! And hey! Since you can eat now, maybe we can go to GINO'S soon! They have this thing now called the Double Pizza-" He leaned in, putting his hand to the side of his mouth and whispered. "-though really it's just a Pizza stacked on another pizza." He smirked and laughed. "But if you need to eat to get better, then you'll be STUFFED once you're done eating there!"

MARI laughed as she adjusted her sweater. "Let's just focus on eating proper food now, okay? THEN maybe we can all try GINO'S, okay?"

All of them gave a comforting chuckle, SUNNY looking at them both and realizing... it's been ages since he's seen MARI and KEL laugh together like this. He didn't want to ruin the moment, keeping his thoughts to himself, but still wondered something in the back of his mind...

(All of us... Will... they actually be excited to see me...? Its been 4 years for them too. I mean... MY friends missed MARI for all those years, but... do they feel the same for me...?)




Bolting down the road was a Green Car, swerving into the HOSPITAL parking lot before coming to a complete abrupt stop. Immediately, MS. POLLY adjusted herself, took a deep breath, and parked the car properly. The kids were patting the car door with excitement, waiting until they unlocked before rushing out.

MS. POLLY: "O-Okay kids, I know- Well, I can see your excitement, b-but you can't overwhelm him okay? Just take things slow."

They all nodded but focused on rushing to the door, AUBREY rushing towards it and being the first there. She opened it and waited for them all to catch up.

AUBREY: "Gaaah, its been too long! What room was he in again?!" She turned around and looked confused, seeing BASIL and HERO

BASIL: "Its- huff huff Third Floor huff Room 3...

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