(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness

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...MARI slowly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the sky. Feeling the grass beneath her and the gentle breeze wafting through the forest as she watched the branches above her dance. The tree she was under shaded her from the warm, gentle sunlight as she readjusted herself and sat up.

The long, plain white dress she was wearing was stainless, not even grass stains on it as she got up. She closed her eyes, taking a long deep breath through her nose before sighing lightly. The few moments of peace she had soon come to an end as soon as she heard a young voice call out to her.

"Big Sis! Youre up!"

She's heard it many times before, opening her eyes and smiling.

MARI: "Hey SUNNY! As cheerful as ever, I see. You know how much I love that smile of yours!" She opened her arms as SUNNY quickly hugged her tightly, rubbing his face against her chest with a giggle.

SUNNY: "Thanks, Hehe!" He nuzzled against her closely, MARI welcoming him whole heartedly. "I came by earlier, but you were sleeping, so I didn't wanna wake you. But now that you're up, I can bring you over to the Picnic! I've been waiting for you, c'mon!"

SUNNY was so chipper and spry, a skip in his step as he held her hand and walked with her along the dirt path. He had on such colorful clothes, looking just like he did when they were younger, such an innocence in his eyes as he looked up to her. His smile couldn't be contained every time he saw her, always making MARI do so in return.

MARI let go of his hand, putting her head through his legs as she put him on her shoulders, his laugh filling her ears and making her heart feel warm. As far as she cared, they were the only 2 people in the world, and that's just how she wanted it.

Their Picnic Basket was on top of a large green hill, a blanket sprawled out for them as MARI put SUNNY down, watching him pull her towards the blanket eagerly as they sat down.

They sat side by side, shoulders touching as SUNNY leaned in for a quick hug before he opened the basket. A gasp of excitement was heard as he pulled out one of MARI'S homemade cookies, looking to her with stars in his eyes.

SUNNY: "My favorite! Thanks MARI!" He nuzzled against her suoulder and didn't hesitate eating, big chomps taken out of the treat within seconds.

MARI: "Of course, SUNNY, eat as much as you want." She chuckled lightly, pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head on them, watching SUNNY enjoy his snack with a warm smile.

SUNNY handed her one of the cookies, making her giggle before she took and and lightly bit into it. He was already on his second one, his appetite making her happy as he energetically bit into another. She wasn't hungry, but she kept nibbling at the treat, watching her brother be so carefree and lively.

Both had managed to finish the plate of cookies together, SUNNY finishing off the last of the savory sweets, licking his lips with a laugh. MARI laughed, grabbing a napkin from the basket and wiping off his face. SUNNY giggled lightly as she cleaned him off, letting her do so before sighing happily beforr he stretched his arms, yawning as he looked to MARI.

SUNNY: "Big Sis... I'm tired... can I sleep on your lap? Please?"

MARI didn't hesitate, laying her legs flat and patting her lap as SUNNY tiredly smiled. He laid his head on her lap and got comfortable, seeing her look down and brush his bangs out of his face, making him smile before closing his eyes.

Everything was right with the world, her brother laying on her lap, the warm sun shining on the two siblings as she closed her eyes with a smile.

"MARI?" She heard him ask, making her open her eyes. "Yeah?"

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