(20) Homeward Bound

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Everyone was called back to SUNNY'S Hospital Room. DR. HAPU discussed the special circumstances of SUNNY'S situation, and how it permitted him to leave on equally special terms.

It was all stuff they'd heard before or just assumed, but hearing him say it was actually okay for him to be release was a relief to them all. SUNNY himself was surprised they'd let him leave, especially since he still couldn't feel anything.

But because he was actually able to walk, talk, and hear, he was already a few weeks ahead of the suspected recovery time. And, since there wasn't technically anything wrong with him health wise besides his weakened muscles and having 2 of his 5 senses, he was permitted to leave far ahead of schedule.

DR. HAPU: "Again, this is a very unusual situation, and normally, we would not allow such a rash decision. But as I've said, special situation. So... The Board has allowed him to leave today, if that is what his legal Guardian so desires.

Everyone sighed with relief as smiles formed all about.

KEL: "That's perfect! Was getting pretty tired of this whole Hospital setting. And we've been here just a few hours! Huh... feels like longer."

HERO: "So, did you call MS. SUZUKI, DOCTOR? Tell her about all this and everything?"

DR. HAPU held up a hand and nodded. "Yes yes, it was the first thing we did once we learned of SUNNY'S improvement. She actually asked if he would be able to go home before I even proposed the idea."

MARI gave a short laugh through her nose. "I didn't even think to call her. So much happened in just the span of a day, it completely flew over my head." She said with a hint of embarrassment.

DR. HAPU: "Yes yes, I am sure. Now MARI, please come with me to sign some paperwork. And your Brother should be out of here within the hour."

MARI nodded and went to SUNNY, rubbing and patting his back gently. "I'd hug you, but I don't want to get you sick. So for now, uhm... let's not chance it, okay?"

SUNNY put his hand on hers and nodded slowly. It took a lot for her not to go and hug him, but she knew better. She walked with DR. HAPU down the hall and left him with the rest of the gang.

BASIL went towards the bed and sat down. "So, you'll be heading home. Wow... I always hoped you'd be able to one day, again. Feels surreal, almost. Uh- I-In a good way! Heh."

KEL: "No kidding! Coming home after so long, you must be excited, eh SUNBUN?"

HERO: "Yeah, but remember what DR. HAPU said, it's gonna take a while to readjust. 4 years IS a long time, so we're gonna have to help him catch up on everything. But it can't be at all once, okay?"

AUBREY nodded and put her hand on SUNNY'S, holding it up chest level with a pink tint to her cheeks. "Well, uh... No matter how long it takes, we'll be here for you, okay? We'll make time, right guys?"

As she looked around, she saw them all nodding in agreement. KEL went over and sat on the chair next to the bed, draping his arm around SUNNY'S shoulder, shaking him a bit.

KEL: "She's right! Shouldn't be too hard actually, since it's Summer! Man, you picked a great time to finally wake up, buddy, heh!"

Everyone gave a laughed in agreement, even SUNNY gave a faint chuckle through his nose. He leaned into KEL'S arm and rested his head on his shoulder.

SUNNY: "Wow... th-thank you guy. All of you... I-I don't know what to say. Except... I don't deserve you guys. Really, I don't..."

He thought about HIS World, and the very last time he talked to HIS Friends... How much they hated him. And he couldn't even blame them.

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