Jackie x Omar's Sister Reader | Overprotective

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Jackie x Omar's Sister Reader

Omar is overprotective of his sister because of the past

Y/N - Your Name

Request by - destinycopley134

 Word Count - 1053


The capture the flag war was a few weeks ago and everyone seems to be getting along so much better now. The champions have settled into the other side and kids are starting to come around to them a lot more. They were hanging out by the trading tree eating their snacks. Jackie grabbed a handful of sprinkle paws and threw them in the air, catching them in his mouth. He looks up and sees a girl he hasn't seen before talking to Kit. His eyes seemed to light up when he saw her. Keun Sup took notice of this and elbowed Jackie in the ribs. "Got a little crush?" He signed teasing Jackie. 

"I've never even seen her before." Jackie signed back. "But your face is as red as this bag of spicy beefers." Keun Sup laughs holding up the bag. Jackie glares at him with embarrassment. He watches as the girl walks over to the edge of the creek. She sits criss-crossed facing the water. Jackie gets up to go talk to her and walks in her direction. He is almost there when Omar walks over and sits down beside her. He sees Jackie and glares at him. "Sorry." Jackie signed walking away.

"What was that?" Keun Sup asked. "I was going to talk to her but Omar sat down first." Jackie signed with a sigh. "What if he likes her?" "I don't know but they look kind of a like. Maybe they're siblings?" Keun suggests. Jackie shrugs and they go to find something to do.

~ Time Skip ~

Jackie was walking up a hill to his favorite spot on this side of the creek. He discovered it when he first came over and ever since it's been his special spot. He reaches the clearing when he sees some else. He goes closer and they look up. She waved and Jackie realized that it was the girl from the trading tree. "Can I sit?" He signs. She nods and he takes the spot beside her. "The Arm? Right?" She signs. Jackie nods with a small sigh. "What's your name?" The girl asks. "Jackie." He signs. "It's nice to meet you Jackie. I'm Y/N." She signs before sticking her hand out for him to shake.

He shakes her hand before a question comes to his head. "How do you know Omar?" He asks her. "Omar? Oh he's my brother. I come here when he's being annoying." She laughs at her statement. 


"Yeah, he's a little over protective. The other day someone tried to come up to me at the trading tree and he just glared at them." She giggles more at the story. Jackie smiles seeing how pretty she looks when she laughs. The two talk for a while until they have to part ways. They come back daily to just talk for a while.

"It's just the trading tree. Why are you nervous?" She signs. "What if he's here?" Jackie rubs his hands together nervously. Y/N rubs his back as they walk to help calm him down. Jackie sits down by the creek while Y/N goes to get their snacks. Omar sits beside Jackie and taps on his shoulder. He turns around and jumps backwards upon seeing him. "What are you doing with my sister?" Omar asks glaring at Jackie. "We're just hanging out I promise." Jackie signs, his hands shaking making it slightly harder to understand. "If you hurt her I will hurt you." He states before storming off. "Omar!" Y/N yells. Y/N hands Jackie his snack before telling him she'll be right back.

She goes to the spot she knew Omar would be. "Why are you hanging around him?" Omar asks with tears running down his face. "After everything they did to the creek." He slightly raises his voice. "After everything they did to me!" Tears are running down his face full force from frustration. Y/N just goes up to him and hugs him. "Omar that is in the past. They only did that because of the King. They've changed. He's changed." She patted him on the back and let him cry into her shoulder. They sit there for what feels like forever with her just helping him calm down and him crying. Soon his sobs turn into small hiccups. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt like I did. The King made me lost the person I cared about most. I spent so long guarding the overpass and they all hate me because of it." He wipes his face. "They don't hate you. They probably think you hate them because they were friends of the king. They really have changed."

Omar sighed, "Go find him." "Are you going to be ok?" Y/N asks concerned. "I'm going to find Maya." Y/N nodded as he walked away. She walks back to the trading tree to see Jackie missing. There is only one other spot he could be. She runs to their spot and finds him sitting under the tree with his head on his knees. She walks over to him and crouches in front of him.

Jackie looks up and Y/N smiles at him. He gives a small smile back before signing, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault." She grabs his face and makes him look at her. "It's not your fault. Omar is just struggling trusting at the moment. He's like a mother bird trying to leave his eggs." Jackie starts silently laughing causing Y/N to join him. She takes the spot next to him and they both face each other.

"Y/N I really like you. I have since I saw you at the trading tree the first time." Jackie signed. He chuckles before signing again, "I was the person Omar glared at that one time." Y/N looks him in the eyes and grabs his face. Before he could figure out what was happening he felt her lips on his. They both melted into the kiss before pulling away. "I like you too." Y/N signed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jackie signed. Y/N kissed him again and laid her head on his shoulder. "I take that as a yes." He silently chuckles before resting his own head on top of hers.

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