Jason X F! Reader | Lemon Boy

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 I got inspired by the song Lemon Boy by Cavetown but has nothing to do with the song. It just made me think of lemons.

Jason X Reader

Y/N - Your Name

Jason tries to trade a lemon he found in the creek.

Word count - 1022


I was helping Kit stock up the trading tree when the scouts walked up.

"What can I trade for this?" The blonde one asks while putting a lemon on the counter. "A lemon?" Kit picks it up and starts examining it. "Y/N, what do you think?" She turns to me and hands me the lemon.

"A Choco-roll?" I suggest looking at the fruit. "Are you sure? I don't know if we can trade a lemon." She gives me a confused look. "I'll take it. You can keep my free snack for today." I don't take my eyes off of it. "Fine by me." She shrugs her shoulders before handing the boy a Choco-roll.

~ Time Skip ~

It was about an hour later when the boy came up to me again. I was putting some boxes to the side of the tree. "Why did you take the lemon?" He asks me. I shrug. "I just... like lemons." I wasn't lying. At home we kept a bowl to make all things lemons. I love to bake lemon tarts or to put them in tea. I'll even eat them by themselves. I look up at him a smile. He gives a nervous smile back. He looks back down and starts messing with his badges. "I'm Y/N. I never got your name." 

"Jason" He didn't look up and I could tell he was nervous.

"Well it was nice to meet you Jason." I smile as I walk back to Kit.

~ The Next Day ~

I was sitting next to the counter when I see the scouts coming back. I look and see that Jason has another lemon. "You want this one too?" Kit asks. I nod my head excitedly. "What do you even do with them?" She questions putting her hands on her hips. "Mostly bake but I just really like them." Jason puts the lemon on the counter. Kit takes it and hands it to me before giving him his Choco-roll. "Hey Y/N." He greets me. "Hey Jason. What's got you in a good mood?" I take notice on how much more confident he seems. The other scouts trade with Kit as me and him talk.

"I just got my fire-starter badge." He shows me his badge and boasted. "Well congratulations! I'll have to bring you some lemon bars tomorrow to celebrate." I smile at him. "Thank you Y/N." He smiles back.

"Jason come on we have to get back to the campsite!" Tony yells. "Catch you tomorrow Y/n." He smiles before walking back to his friends. "What was that about?" Kit gives me a look. "Just congratulating a friend." I look at the lemon. "Uh-huh, a friend." She puts air quotes around friend. "Maybe one day." I say still looking at the lemon.

The next day I told Kit I would handle the trade if he came back. I spent a while last night baking him some lemon bars as a congratulations. Soon I see him come up to the tree. "Hey Y/N" He says placing down his lemon. "Hey Jason." I take the lemon and place the lemon bars in front of him. "Congratulations on the badge." I smile at him as his face turns red. He starts stuttering a thank you and he leaves with the forest scouts.

After a few weeks of Jason giving me lemons and me baking him lemon bars every time he got a new badge something seem to change. He was smiling more and his face would go red every time he would talk to me. He came up to the trading tree and placed the lemon in front of me. I give him his Choco-roll and he barely is able to get a thank you out between stutters. "You're welcome." I say with a chuckle at his stuttering. He leaves to go with the scouts and I observe the lemon as always only this time it was different. "Meet me at 3" I read off of the lemon. He had written in sharpie on the peel. I giggle at this and help Kit with trades until 3.

3 came sooner than I expected and I start getting ready to leave. I see Jason heading towards the tree. "And where do you think you're going?" Kit asks with her hands on her hips. "Just to meet with someone." She smiles when she sees Jason heading this way. "Don't get hurt." She smiles. "And fill me in tomorrow." She takes her hand like she's telling a secret and winks at me.

I walk over to Jason and smile at him. "Where are we going?" I ask. His face gets red and he starts scratching the back of his neck. "Just follow me. I have something I want to show you." We start walking along a trail. After a while of walking side by side I grabbed his hand. I could feel him tense up but after a minute he eased up.

We get closer and I see this beautiful area filled with Honeysuckles and a lemon tree. "So this is where you were getting all those lemons?" I look around in amazement. "I thought you would like it." He smiles. We sit under the tree looking at the lemons and leaves on the ground. I hear Jason take a deep breath and he starts to speak.

"Y/N, there is something I've been meaning to tell you for a very long time." 

"What is it." I look at him. He squeezes his eyes shut before blurting out -


I look at him for a minute. He kept his eyes squeezed as tight as they could. His hands balled into a fist and his face was bright red. I grab his face and kiss him.

"So? Is that a yes?" He asks. I hold his hands and give them a tight squeeze. "Yes, Jason I will be your girlfriend."

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