File Eighteen

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Logan Leston was surprised to see Chris disappear, but he was more surprised to see King Lucian appear.
"Hello children," he told Logan, Luna, and the now conscious Rexy. "I assume you all already know who I am,"
"No, actually, I don't," Rexy said.
"That is King Lucian, the one in my dreams," Logan explained.
"Ah, Logan Leston, you are a special one,"
"What did you do to our friend?!" Luna yelled at King Lucian.
"Don't worry, he is still with your fellow enemy Leo. The two are in another dimension,"
"Well," Rexy said, "bring him back," A blue portal appeared and Leo stepped out, but Chris did not.
"I lost the bird," Leo announced with a smile. "He must have gotten lost in the rip between time and pace. Oh, well," Rexy broke out into tears. Before Logan could do anything, Luna screamed and shot magic at the two. It knocked them both out and Leo Jr, or..., er..., "Luke" called the police who arrived quickly. Agent Brown and his assistants took the two away.
"Are you okay?" Logan asked Rexy.
"Yeah, I will get over it, just like I did with Reba. I mean, it is not like he is dead," he answered with a smile.
"Did you know who that was? That dog is a bad convict and you all defeated him. Good job you guys,"Agent Brown told them. They had all defeated Leo and King Lucian, and they should all feel proud.

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