File Two

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Christopher Davids was Rexy's best friend, though his friends call him Chris. After 10 texts and 3 calls, Rexy finally picked up the phone.

"Hey, Rexy, I don't want you to feel bad but, I don't know if you know this, but, well, Reba,..uhh...Reba-" he turned the corner and saw Rexy walking his bike, crying. "-is moving," Rexy looked up at Chris with tears in his eyes.

"Did you know she liked me?" That was news to Chris.

"No, she really did?" Rexy nodded his head.

"And now she is going to be in Mew York City!"

"That's not too far,"

"Yes it is," Rexy said and continued to cry. Chris tried to support his friend, but nothing stopped the flow, so they continued to walk to school. Though Rexy didn't mention it, and neither did Chris, they were still going to miss Jenn, too. The seven of them (Chris, Rexy, Reba, Jenn, Luna, her friend Rose, and another boy named Logan) had become great friends, though, it was mostly only Rexy, Rose, Chris, Logan, and Luna and sometimes Rexy, Luna, and Logan's adopted younger siblings, JayJay (Jayden) who was Rexy's little brother, R.J. (Ryan Joseph) who was Logan's little brother, and CeCe (Cecilia) who was Luna's little brother. To bad our friend circle it would drop down to 5 of us plus the little ones, Chris thought.

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