File Ten

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Rose Singer had never ridden on a bike so fast before. When Leo Jr., or Luke, as he now wanted to be called, told the gang that Leo was after them, they bolted. Logan told them his house was super safe. So, everyone hopped on their bike and rode. Since Rose's mom drove her, she didn't have a bike, so Luna gave hers to Rose and flew. How cool is it that my best friend can fly, Rose thought as she saw Luna swoop and dive. "Luke" also didn't have a bike so Rexy gave him his and told the gang he would run to Logan's house and he would meet them there. Rose had never known how fast he was until she saw him running close behind the pack of bikes. When they got to Logan's house, Rose said what was on everyone's mind.

"You live alone?" Rose asked.

"Well, I don't know who my mom is and my dad left along time ago, so long ago that I don't know his first name," Logan announced and Luna tried to be sympathetic, but it didn't look like Logan minded solitude. Then, when they walked inside, it was Chris's turn to state what everyone wanted to say.

"Wow!" Inside the home was a super high-tech world. Rose knew Logan was a computer geek, but didn't know he was this into computers.

"Where did you get enough money to afford this all?" Luna awed as she looked at all the computer screens and high-tech gadgets.

"From selling Mainframe, a super computer I invented," Logan said as he pressed a button. "Now, I would like you all to meet my Personalized Artificial Humanoid of Advanced Technology, or P-A-H-A-T, pronounced like Pieit," he continued as a robot turned the corner and offered everyone some cherry lime-aid.

"Cool," exclaimed Rexy as he eagerly accepted the drink. "You have your own robot butler,"

"Why are we here exactly?" Rose questioned not understanding the point yet.

"Before you go back out were it is unsafe, I wanted to give these to you," Logan answered as he handed everyone colored Fox24 cases and matching wristwatches: red for Rose, pink for Luna, orange for Rexy, yellow for Chris, and even green for Luke, while Logan had blue. After confessing he didn't have a Fox24, Logan gave Luke one. Then he continued: "The watches are made with iridium which will protect you from being tracked down, and, if you ever feel like you might be in danger, press the button on the top and a suit of perfectly-fitted titanium armor will come out of the watch and fit onto you. There is also a mic that will allow us to communicate. As for the case, it provides your phone with many tools and applications that can be useful," This was a lot for Rose to take in, but Logan told them that was all.

"Leo Jr., do you need to come to my house to hide out? I am assuming your dad won't be happy to know what you did," Rexy asked Leo Jr, aka Luke.

"Sure, thanks," Luke answered. "And it's Luke now,"

"We'll see," Rexy mumbled as they walked out with Chris who was staying with the Parks so that he didn't have to go to foster care. Luna left next, and that left Rose.

"Thank you Logan for the stuff," she said as she walked out the door. "And good job with Le- Luke,"

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