File Twenty

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Rexy Parks was so glad he had a girlfriend. With Reba Stella moving, he never thought he would ever find someone else, but he did.

"You guys kissed!?" Leo Jr. gasped at lunch the next day. He refused to call him Luke. Luna came up and gave Rexy another one on the cheek.

"Yep," Rexy said with a smile, though he knew Leo Jr. had already gotten his answer, "we did,"

"Now, no hard feelings, right?" Logan asked Luna through his peanut-butter sandwich.

"Nah," she replied as she ripped open a bag of potato chips. "Hey, if you hadn't rejected me, I would have never gotten this relationship with Rexy,"

"Good," Logan said and turned his attention back to his sandwich. Soon Rose came with her hot lunch pizza, which Rexy envied, and sat down with the rest of the gang.

"Hey guys"

"Rexy and Luna are dating," Leo Jr. jeered.

"What!?" Rose reacted, proving to Rexy that Luna hadn't told her. "When did this happen!?"

"Last night," Luna followed leaving Rose speechless. "But don't let it affect all of us, okay," she added and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Fine, but you and me at my house. Tonight," Rose finished and finally started on her food. Rexy did not want to see what went at a girl sleepover, for guy sleepovers consisted of so much video games that at 4 in the morning, the light made you curl-up into a ball to protect yourself.

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