He quickly set it aside, then continued rummaging. Pretty soon he had a nice pile of things he wanted to keep, and his otter, which had swam to the surface of his mind as he'd been working, couldn't have agreed more with his decisions. 

By the time he was through the first box he was in quite a good mood and eagerly went to start the second. Inside was a large, almost brand-new dog bed. His mom had gotten it for his otter after the accident. It had been the best one on the market.

Setting it by the wall, he pulled out a few little pictures that he quickly deciphered to be the paw print paintings he and his parents had done the week before the accident at a small family art class in town. 

I'll hang those up. That will definitely make mom happy. 

He continued working for nearly an hour before he noticed something just-barely moving at the edge of his vision. 

Of course, he knew better than to turn and face him, but King couldn't help the smile that found its way onto his lips as he focused on his current task. 

He could easily tell that the little bit of movement was from Prince as his buddy poked his head in and out of the room. King could feel his anxiety rising and falling, but it had calmed down a great deal, allowing him to relax, too. 

"Oh? These are just like P's," he said quietly as he held up a few larger cat toys. 

His mom had bought them for his ninth birthday, trying to lure his otter out with one of its favorite types of toy, besides the bath animals. Unfortunately, much like everything else, they hadn't worked. 

He calmly began removing them from their package, then rolling them over toward the couch one at a time without really looking where they were going. 

Once that was done, he set the second box aside and got to work on the third. 

He was nearly halfway through sorting it when he heard a tiny little tinkling sound to his left, making him glance sideways without moving his head. He'd looked just in time to see a little brown and black striped tail disappear back into the hallway, the little tinkling sound accompanying the action. 

I see...

The sound grew quieter and quieter the farther it moved away until, finally, it disappeared completely. 

Two minutes later he heard the faint sound of something moving nearby again. 

This time Prince went a little farther into the room to get a toy that had stopped rolling by the couch. The moment he had it in his paw, however, he was a blur of gray fur and black paws as he quickly darted back into the hallway. 

He could hear those paws on the carpet as they headed back towards his room, likely intending to stash the new treasure with the other. 

You're so darn cute. 

The scurrying of paws stopped abruptly, making him tilt his head and glance toward the hallway. 

Of course, Prince wasn't there. 

He waited patiently for a few moments, then gave a quiet chuckle when he heard the little tinkling of the big cat toy again. It was good that the guy was still acting a bit like P, so perhaps he didn't have full control yet. Or, possibly, his emotions were beginning to return and were overwhelming Prince a little. 

Either way, he was just glad that Baron was still there

Oh, hang on a minute. I forgot to eat. 

He'd gotten so distracted that he'd simply put the food away and began going through his mom's old boxes. 

Standing up, he gave a good stretch, then wandered back into the kitchen to make himself a bowl of food. 

Raccoon-(mxm) (Rever series 6)Where stories live. Discover now