Chapter 47 - Assessing Damages

Start from the beginning

"It should, but it'll go away in time."

"Where's Omega?"

Machida pressed his lips together and looked at his shoes.
"I'm not—" He sighed, "I'm not sure. No one saw where he went."

"Hm." Enjō's eyes narrowed, "Then what do I do?"

Machida kept silent and looked at hum.

"I got what I wanted, I guess. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't plan for what happens after." He smiled weakly.

"Focus on recovering for now, Enjō. I took care of all the bills, and I might be able to cover for your rehab. With how things are going..." Machida rested his chin on his palm, "It's not looking great, honestly."

"Sorry for getting negative." Machida stood up and dug into his pocket and fished out a business card. "Just call me if you're having any troubles," He said as he laid the card on the bedside and turned to leave the room.

" are you—"

Machida opened the door and turned to see him, pressing his lips together again.
"Rest well, Enjō." The door closed.

Enjō looked down at his nub again as his body tightened.

But why? After everything, I still lived.
I don't even know what to do. 'Yama wanted to start a family.
I don't have any friends left. 'Yama had plenty. Why did it have to be him that died?

Every time I use my powers I felt like I got closer with every little scar, but when is it gonna be enough?

Enjō's head hit the headboard and he grit his teeth.

When am I just gonna give up?

He sat there for a while, his legs numbing under the covers.

A phone notification in the cabinet went off, making Enjō jump. With a sigh, Enjō finally got out of his bed, his legs feeling like static. Supporting himself with his good arm, he stumbled to the cabinet. He reached up and opened it.

Who leaves their phone in a hospital? He thought as he grabbed it and turned it on.

Wait, this is... Enjō looked at the lock screen, a photo of him, Uyama, and Omega eating ice cream.

When we went to that parlor in JanuEri. It's his phone. Why's it here?

He opened it, mildly surprised there was no password. Scrolling through the phone, Enjō only found one app left on the home screen: Notes. His thumb gravitated to it, but he held back.

I can't do that, Enjō sighed as he turned the phone off. As he reached into the dresser to put the phone back, it vibrated in his hand.

"Someone's calling..." Enjō muttered. "Spade?" The phone buzzed in his hand as he stared at Spade Mask's photo.

Spade's a...girl? I didn't notice that?

The ringing ended and another notification came up. She'd called nine times before. Enjō stared at the phone for a few moments before sliding it back into the dresser. He plopped back onto the bed and closed his eyes. The bed creaked as he tossed and turned under the covers. His groans turned into a yell as he threw the covers across the room and rolled into a ball, clenching his knob. Enjō bit down on his lip and squeezed his eyes shut at the burning sensation in his nub.

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