Chapter 23 - JanuEri in April

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"An International Conference has suddenly been called for. The conference will take place in the country of JanuEri. Being the first International Conference since 2038, there is no way to expect what will happen, exactly. Be ready to turn on your radio or your TV to tune into the live recording of the conference on April 16th."

Kuro groaned in his restraints. He punched a hole in the tape covering his mouth with his tongue. The tongue elongated to hit the power button on the radio.

These people haven't done a single thing with me yet. I could leave, if I wanted to... Kuro thought to himself.

...but I wouldn't have to if the Coupe cared.

The door opened, revealing Uyama and Enjō. "You heard, didn't you?" Uyama exclaimed, "We're going to Janu! Also, sorry about not feeding you yesterday." They quickly ran away and closed the door.

What am I supposed to do with that information? Pack up my stuff?

Omega woke up from his deep sleep really rashly. His covers were all over the place, pajamas rolling up at the arms and legs.

"Hey! We're going to JanuEri!" Enjō shouted through the door.

When did I get an alarm... He got up from his bed with a drooping face, drooling from the mouth. "January..?"

"Jan-oo, air-e! JanuEri! We're taking a ship there tomorrow."

Omega jumped out of his bed, "Tomorrow?! Why so suddenly?"

"No complaining, we have no choice!"

Omega flopped out of his bed and got his scarce belongings packed. Then Uyama called for a "Breakfast Assembly".

"We meet! We discuss!" Uyama chanted with his fork in the air, Enjō joined in, "In the meat, we trust!"

"In the meat we trust..." Omega mumbled as he started eating and turned everyone's attention to Kuro on the other side of the table, "Are we ever going to let him go?"

"Will we let the invisible man go?!" Uyama rang out again.

" be decided!" Enjō raised his fork dramatically.

Omega shook his head and reached over to Kuro and carefully removed the tape from his mouth.

"Thank you for your consideration," Kuro moved his cheek muscles, "But I could've gotten out myself."

Kuro reveals the rope he was tied in only just a moment ago. "And I have multiple times."

Omega turned to Uyama and Enjō, who had the most devastated looks to their face.

"So, we're going to JanuEri? Why me, specifically?" Kuro chuckled, laying his head on the table.

"Um—I guess it was because we thought you'd starve otherwise, but..." Uyama murmured nervously, "I guess that's not the case, nor has it been."

"What actually are you?" Enjō dropped the Breakfast Assembly persona.

"An invisible snake-man."

"Seriously?" Enjō's eyes widened.

"Yes, seriously. I liked invisible supervillains, but I liked snakes too. So I wanted to be an invisible snake-man."

Uyama shrugged, "Not a lie."

Enjō shook his head, "Anyways, we're all cool. The conference in JanuEri, what's that gonna be about?"

Uyama scratched his beard, "I'm not too sure myself. I just know Steele is going, and so are most political leaders. Except for the prime minister of Abadd. He's never come to those."

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