Authors Note

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To anyone who actually sees this and decides to read it:

Hi! As you can probably tell, this is my first book. I'd firstly like to thank you if you end up reading  this, but I'd also like to give a few disclaimers:

Firstly, I apologise for the monstrosity of a cover for the book. I'm still trying to workshop it, but it's likely gonna stay that way, so just bear with it. (Update: I attempted to make a cover and failed horribly, so I will be sticking with a photo with the title on it. Sorry it's so basic 😭😭)

Secondly, there will be quite a few chapters coming out in the span of the book,but I couldn't really tell you how often. I'm doing this for fun but I have a lot of other things to deal with, like school; not to mention I have to come up with ideas for future chapters. sometimes it could take a few weeks, maybe even a few months for chapters to come out. If you are genuinely interested in the book and want to continue reading it, please stay patient and wait for other chapters to come out. The prologue should be coming out soon enough.

Last but not least, you'll probably be able to tell I'm a beginner, so please bear with me as I learn how to write better.  It would be a lot of help if you could give me tips and recommendations as well, so please do let me know if you have any.

This book will have a unique way of using different kinds of text, so I'll just detail them under here:

ITALICS: This will represent the thoughts of a person. This doesn't apply to any specific character, so the character of which you are hearing the thoughts of will be mentioned after the italics. Italics will also be used to emphasise something, whether it's a word spoken or just a word written.

BOLD: This will represent the onomatopoeia used in the book. This is just so the sound effects are clearer and easier to distinguish while reading, especially if you're a fast reader, like I am.

If you're seeing this and there are other chapters out, you can go ahead and start reading them! I hope you enjoy and have fun with it!

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