Y/n " yes if not and the morning had started off so well"

Loak " we will take our leave maybe you can have evening meal with us along with yaimi and his family"

Jake " yes it will be good to see you for a meal my daughter,but others might be questionable" Jake was looking at yaimi trying to scare the boy,  if it seems like yaimi was not scared and not backing down as he was glaring at Jake. The father and sons soon left leaving you and yaimi together again.

Y/n " well he not going to let like what he will hear about my living situation"

Yaimi " well he will have to deal with it as it our clan way of living and, your wishes had been honored"

Y/n " you know he never going to like you or approve of you"

Yaimi " oh no how I'm going to live on if toruk makto hates me... oh yes I'm going to be fine it not like he like and approve by everyone"

Y/n " you are right now come now help me cook"

Yaimi " yes ma'am" you shove Yaimi a bit making the boy laugh as you went back to the cooking fire to first up with the meal preparation. You knew Jake will not like the words that will come out from Reu and the other voices, as they already don't like the man and what he might do next will mess up everything more.

Later on that day

Neteyam " sister why have you called us here is everything okay" you had called your siblings and new friends over to your home as you needed to tell them the truth right now.

Y/n " I have called you here to discuss among you all"

Kiri " this is about what has unfolded this morning dad came home upset and told mother"

Y/n " yes well I'm telling you all know that this home you have all been thinking is Yaimi and his mother, it not their home it my home"

Spider " wait you live in this home all on your own"

Y/n " well some time and other times I have Yaimi over for some visit"

Lo'ak " wow well that explains why there is one bedroom in the home and not many"

Yaimi " yes and I'm sorry for the conflict that happen this morning"

Lo'ak " dude ir good you are giving dad a challenge which has only happened with me, I'm happy to have someone else here causing trouble as well"

Yaimi " I will try my best"

Tsireya " it wonderful you have great life her y/n and made you own home your should've allow Jake to ruin that"

Aonung " yes I have to agree and hey maybe when are are tried of our parents we can come hide here"

Rotxo " aonung be nice"

Y/n " it okay I love having you all here"

Kiri " well we are going to need to give you more home decorations that will show our bond between us and you"

Y/n " I will love that so much" It felt good to share the news with your siblings and friends now knowing they will keep your secret safe, and help you deal with Jake and Neytiri.

Yaimi " you might want to stop Jake from making my dad even more angry with him, as my father already doesn't like him"

Neteyam " we will speak with him but him and mom are mad about what going on, they are saying you and your clan are stealing our sister away"

Y/n " it hard to steal someone that was never yours, I was not their daughter for many years now they wish to play parents"

Kiri " we understand sister we will never know how to feels to be outcast by our parents, as they gave us the love they denied you all to make everyone else happy"

Loak " it makes me sick some of these so called good olo'eythans and tshaiks act like, they were doing the right thing but it was all selfishness... and they still act like they are better then you sis"

Neteyam " Loak"

Loak " no neteyam you are not going to sugar coat this situation I'm done hearing dad and mom defend themselves, what they did to our sister was wrong and we missed having a relationship with her because of them .... Ahh it makes me laugh when I remember his words sully stick together that is lie"

Neteyam " no it not we are family and we stick together, and now y/n her we can stick together even more"

Loak " we only stick together when we fit dad perfect image of family, the ones who get the most love is you, Kiri, and Tuk after y/n here on hated by dad"

Neteyam " no you are not dad loves you and y/n"

Kiri " you most lower your voice loak"

Loak " will you see what is happening you say you will defend our sister but you seem to be defending our parents as well, you seem to making excuses for them over and over again"

Tsireya " Loak maybe you should listen to neteyam families have a hard time"

Loak " so I'm the only one who wishes to speak the truth along with y/n and yaimi"

Ao'nung " look Loak what had been done many years ago was needed, we didn't need clans at war over some baby that was seen was omen of bad luck ... they were doing what was needed for our families and clan look how far we have gotten"

Yaimi " yes giving up a child makes a good impression for everyone"

Neteyam " I'm defending our family little brother maybe thing will turn out well in the end"

Loak " that it I'm out of here I'm get far away from here before I say or do anything, I regret" loak soon stormed off mad about everything that had gone down, and your couldn't blame him.

Tsireya " loak come back"

Neteyam "loak" the group was about to run after him but you had stopped them. As they were all looking at you for some answers.

Y/n " stay here I will go after him"

Neteyam " let me come as well"

Y/n " I think it best if I go by myself for now I will bring him back" you soon left the home looking for any sign of your brother, as yaimi deals with the others. It didn't take you that long to find him.

Loak " hey I'm sorry about the fit I had in your home"

Y/n " I understand the have bottle to rage towards Jake and Neytiri"

Loak " I wish I had you in my life all those years ago it might of made life easier"

Y/n " I wish I was able to be there for you and our siblings, but Jake and Neytiri made their decision"

Loak " a stupid one"

Y/n " hey listen here is anything get hard at home for you or within the clan, you can come stay with me"

Loak " I will love that" the sister and brother sat there in silence as they look over the place that was called home to you, and was becoming another home to loak.

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