Chapter 1: New Hero

Start from the beginning

"You know what? I don't give a s-" -Sam

Sam spots a sniper near them, he was aiming when suddenly Sam ran to the sniper and decapitated him right as he shot near the older brother. The older brother looks up to see Sam and Batpool.

"YOU SET US UP YOU FUCK?!" -Young brother

"No No No!" -Buyer 2

"No fuck you!" -older brother

The older brother pulls out his pistol and shoots the buyers in the face.

Sam pulls out her an automatic submachine gun and fired at the brothers and other guards around them. They shoot back. Evan jumps on her so she doesn't get shot.

"Don't kill them!" -Evan

"GET OFF ME KID!!!" -Sam

Sam tries to punch Evan in the face. Evan grabs Sam's hand and pins her down to the ground. Sam is shocked by this, Holy shit she thought, this kid is faster than she expected. The Sholk brothers manage to escape. Mission failed damnit. Evan grabs Sam and runs off with her.

"Who are you..?" -Sam

"I'm Batpool!" -Evan

"No- like your actual name?" -Sam

"Oh umm.." -Evan

"Hey.. you can promise me kid..." -Sam

"Evan.." -Evan

"You know how to fight fast, how old are you?" -Sam

"12" -Evan

"12?! HOW THE HELL???" -Sam

"My dad taught me well!!" -Evan

"That's incredible!" -Sam

"Thank you!" -Evan

"Aye we gotta do this again another time, but don't get in my way of killing those bastards" -Sam

"But- I don't wanna kill them" -Evan

"You know what, I like your ways little man, how about tomorrow night, we can discuss this plan on how we can take these dip shits down" -Sam

"Okay!" -Evan

Sam then hands Evan her number.

"Call me when you need to, alright?" -Sam

"Okay! How old are you?" -Evan

"I'm 19" -Sam

"Alright and what's your name?" -Evan

"I'm Sam" -Sam

They both shake hands and run off in different directions. Evan reaches home and crawls through his window. Then suddenly his light turns on.

"Where the hell were you?!" -Sophie

"I was uh-" -Evan

"Evan..." -Sophie

"I was being a hero! Until the plan went wrong.." -Evan

"How?" -Sophie

"I don't really wanna talk about it" -Evan

Sophie knows Evan was upset with a pretend happy feeling. She hugs Evan and he hugged his sister back. Soon, Evan lied in his bed as he quickly drifted off to sleep.

Sophie's notebook
"I'm worried for my brother. I write this and think, Should I tell dad? But I'm just not sure. I don't want Evan to get hurt as a superhero, but this has been his dream. To be and meet his idol, am I in the right to just say Fuck no? No I don't think so. I just hope he won't get hurt.

The Angel's Son: The new Purple Eye, Batpool #1Where stories live. Discover now