Discussion with yourself

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Right after he got home, Thomas could watch his sides materialise in their usual places. Roman in front of the tv, Virgil by the stairs, Patton in front of the blinders and Logan right next to the stairs. All of them were waiting for him to join in, which he did with a sigh, taking his place between Logan and Patton.

"Okay, guys...You are all here before I even uttered my dilemma, so...it must really be bothering me", Thomas mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. He inhaled deeply before pulling the piece of paper with David's number out of his pocket.

Patton was the first one to speak, looking even more excited than usual. He was practically bouncing on the spot.
"This is not a dilemma, Thomas! You should call him back! He gave you his number, he wants you to call him. We are going to make a new friend, this is great!", Patton exclaimed, holding onto the sleeves of his hoodie in a failed attempt to calm down.

Roman quickly nodded in response. He wasn't bouncing like Patton, but he was grinning widely.
"Your Heart is crying out to you, Thomas! This could be the start of something extraordinary", he said and struck a pose, "You may have just met the prince of your dreams!"

Thomas hummed quietly, but before he could say anything, Logan quickly interrupted the conversation.
"The likelihood of that happening is very small, Roman, so calm down the gay panic. Let's not go figuratively overboard", the logical side explained and rearranged his glasses, "It's not even certain that a friendship will come of it in the end."

Patton almost pouted as he looked over at Logan. No matter how much the two sides respected and secretly liked each other, they weren't always on the same side of the argument.
"Logan, please! You have to be optimistic!"
The smile that followed seemed a bit forced, a bit wider than usual.

Thomas groaned as he rubbed his eyes hard. Having a discussion with his sides always resulted in him being faced by his own doubts, in the most direct way possible. And Remus with his thoughts of murder or other types of weird stuff didn't help.
'How about you stick your hand in the garbage disposal?', Remus giggled inside of his head. He was close to pushing the thought aside, before realising that wouldn't do anything. So he just simply shook his head.

Fortunately or unfortunately for Thomas, Virgil had decided to join in the conversation.
"I don't think calling would be good. What would you even say? What if he doesn't like you? Do you want to get hurt again like you did before with-", his anxious side asked, only for Roman to cut him off.

"Oh stop it, you Phantom of the Mopera! This is a great opportunity!", Roman half teased him with that nickname, "Not everything ends badly."
He fiddled with his sword a bit, a bit of uncertainty had reached him, despite his protest. Despite being different facets of his personality, they were still connected in a way. Nonetheless, he straightened up again.

Thomas sighed softly and turned towards Patton, who still looked like a child expecting a puppy for Christmas.
"Pat...Do you really think that this is a good idea? Attempting to make a new friend and expanding my social network...it's quite a huge step", he mumbled, still holding onto the paper. It wasn't that he didn't know how to socially interact with someone, but he definitely understood Virgil's worry.

Patton's expression softened slightly and he turned towards Virgil, knowing he would have to address him first.
"Oh kiddo...Look, I get it, it's scary. But do you remember how much Thomas' friends help calm you down?", he asked gently and after a bit of hesitation, Virgil nodded.

He still looked anxious, but he finally pulled his hands out of his pockets.
"I know...We should probably call him, but...what would we even say? Phone calls make me nervous", Virgil mumbled, but it was still audible enough for the others.

Thomas smiled a bit, a new idea had just popped into his head.
"How about we call him and I just ask him to hang out, watch a movie? That way, we can all get to know him better and see how it goes?", he slowly looked around, trying to decipher what each of his sides thought of that idea.

Patton nodded quickly, with Roman following suit. Logan took a bit longer, until at the end, Virgil gave him a hesitant, but affirming nod.

He grinned and picked up his phone, dialing the number that David had given him. After a bit of ringing, it clicked on the other side and David's voice filled the room: "Yeah?"

Thomas took a deep breath, mainly to calm his anxiety.
"Hey, it's Thomas. You know...from the grocery store. I was just wondering", he bit his lip and glanced at Patton, who was encouraging him to go on, "Would you like to hang out and maybe watch a movie with me?"

For a few seconds, the silence was deafening. But right before Virgil could flip out, David answered the question: "Sure...I'd love to. What kind of movie were you thinking?"
Roman held back a sound of accomplishment, instead whispering something into Thomas' direction while he grinned widely.

Thomas raised an eyebrow, but decided to go for it.
"I'm partial to Disney movies. You can decide which one when you get here."
This time, David's smile was almost audible and his answer released the breath that Thomas hadn't been aware he was holding.

"Sounds great. I'll be there."

I love every Side of you (Thomas Sanders x male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now