✬Mafuyu like✬

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Ruikasa x gn! Reader
Requested by: Itz_justC
Sorry I couldn't finish your requested :(

Not proofread or edited

☆ Reader is like mafuyu.
Phoenix wonderland, a place known for joy, laughter and excitement. A place colourful and bright but to you, dull and boring. You found it hard to find joy, you search and search for anything, any emotion that wasn't emptiness or some times even sadness.

You hated the place, a strong discomfort came from it... You've never stepped foot on the grounds since you we're young, just the look of it makes your heart drop. You tried everything to avoid the place but unlucky for you, you're in a class with one of the joy filled rockets.

Tsukasa Tenma. He's loud and annoying yet you still feel a strange tug in your heart when you see him. Light radiates off him, you radiate nothing. Despite this, he always finds the time to attempt to lift your spirits, all you can do it continue to smile in hopes that he'll move along thinking he cheered you up.

But that's it right? He's the only obstacle in your education...well... Wrong. There is his boyfriend, Rui Kamishiro. You met when you were both asked to tutor some students who struggle with maths or science. His eyes, so beautiful, yet... It's as if they pierce through you, like he knows you aren't what you present as. Though, despite the fact he's from the tooth rotting kingdom of joy he's pretty calm and peaceful, well when he's not excited of course.

Both of them pester you, but not in a way that you dislike you suppose. You can't help but feel.... Drawn into Tsukasas rants and talks, you can't help but be interested in Rui's machines and his explanations of stuff you already know in tutoring sessions.

You've known the two of them for around half a year, maybe even more now. You often sit with them at lunch, you have nothing better to do after all. You'd watch as Rui teased Tsukasa and tsukasa yelled at him, though he would soon forgive him. Sometimes they would practice in your presence, casting you a the practice princess/prince that would fall in love, but you never thought much of it. You didn't exactly know a lot about theatre but you were still interested in what they did and their ramnles.

constantly, they would insist that they want to hanging out with you and you don't understand why. All you wanted was to find yourself, to disappear forever, but they wanted you to stay.

"Y/n!" A familiar boisterous voice calls for you from across the hallway. You sigh and turn with an attempt of a smile.

"Tsukasa, hey!" Your voice is soft and cheery as you greet him, though it doesn't actually reflect how you feel.

"My amazing, spectacular, one of a kind troupe has finished the musical of a life time." He strikes a pose with a proud face before extending his hand, "I, Tsukasa Tenma, invite you to the opening performance which takes place Friday afternoon"

"Oh. I don't think-"

"Please please pleeeaaaasee. I've reserved you the best seat." He begs.

You let out a sigh, "fine, I'll think about it." You watch as his face brightens immediately and you felt a little happy from it.

"Whaha! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he took your hand between both of his, stars shining in his eyes. "I promise if you come you won't regret it!" He smiles. Then, soon after the intersection, the two of you ate lunch together as Rui was busy in detention and Tsukasa wanted to hang out with you anyway.

You listened to him for a while before your mind drifted off. You felt a little... Jealous of Tsukasa in a way. He had his whole life planned, he had a boyfriend and a job, he's already on his path to stardom. And you? You still had no idea what you were doing. You could do anything, especially with your high grades; You could be a doctor, a scientist, even a teacher if you wanted to, but you didn't want that, you didn't know what you wanted.

"And that's how wonderlands x showtime was formed." He grins, puffing his chest out and closing his eyes. Only then you snap back into reality.

"Oh yes... Quite a wonderful group indeed." You clap your hands together, you weren't really listening but you've been told many times about the story of his troupe.

After lunch you kind of forgot qbout the whole going to Phoenix wonderland to watch their show. But you were soon reminded as not even an a few hours later you weree met with the other side of the 'weirdo wombo combo'. You feel something hit your leg during a tutor session break. You look down and see a little robot.

"Ah I'm sorry about that y/n" Rui apologises in a silky tone, "I'm afraid the controls are off on my little robot friend here."

"Oh it's fine..." You look at the little mechanical creature which now sat in Rui's hand.

"Hehe well, i needed to talk with you anyway. Do you have a moment, dear?" He asks, tilting his head with a smirk on his face. Your face warming up at the nickname ever so slightly.

"Mhm, I have time." you stand and follow the boy. He leads you to the corner of the class room where a few of his Robots lay. He explained how they worked and what he wanted you to do.

"You can come see them on friday." He slips in with a smirk.

"Oh." You let out, all of this was just another attempt at convincing you to watch the show.

"Fufu~ I'm assuming my star has already invited you? We both picked the best seat for you." He smiles with his cat like grin.

"Yeah he has. Like I said to him, I'll think about it" you smile. Rui let's out a hum and nod. The tutor session continues with no issue, Rui teaching one group of people and you the other. Once it was over, Rui offered to walk you home as it was getting late, the sessions were after school meaning it got darker during the winter, you accept with slight reluctance, you weren't really sure if you were in the mood for any more interaction right now.

The whole walk to your house he had a hold of your hand to ensure your safety during the night. He kept rambling about his inventions but you didn't mind, his voice was nice to listen to after all. He took your and and placed a kiss upon it when you reached your house causing you to act in a way that is alien to you, your heart rate increases, your face feels like it's boiling and your breathing hitches, you remain silent which was another effect from this rush of weird feelings.

"I'll see you in school then, yes?" He grins knowing exactly how he made you feel.

"Uh... Um... Yeah whatever." You look away shyly. He keeps a wide grin plastered on his face as he let's go of your hand and places both of his in his pockets.

"Please consider the show, we'll live to have you there" he says finally before waving goodbye and walking off. You stood at your front door in complete and utter shock convinced that you were having some form of a heart attack, however, you didn't ferl any pain.

That night you stayed awake, frantically searching the internet for heart attack symptoms only to find you had something a little less drastic but also somewhat scary. You were developing a crush on Rui Kamishiro.

"Oh no..." You murmur to yourself as you stare at your computer screen.

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