Chapter 5: Veiled Judgments

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In the sanctum of their home, the brothers—Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook—gathered, their discussions gravitating towards the recent incident involving YN and Jungkook.

"What's your take on her?" Namjoon's inquiry echoed through the room, his gaze lingering on Jin.

Jin, while flipping through a magazine, offered a measured response. "She's reserved, closed off. But there's something intriguing about her."

Yoongi nodded in agreement, his expression stoic. "Seems like she's not one to let others in easily. Probably hiding something."

Hoseok, the embodiment of cheerfulness, offered a different perspective. "She might just be shy or prefers her own space. Doesn't necessarily mean she's hiding something."

Their discussion traversed a spectrum of opinions—some veiled with suspicion while others were more open to the possibility of understanding YN's disposition.

"What if Dad ends up marrying her?" Hoseok's question hung in the air, prompting a moment of contemplative silence.

Jin, their unofficial leader, weighed the scenario carefully. "If that happens, she'd be part of our family. We'd have to accept her."

Namjoon nodded in agreement, his analytical mind considering the potential implications. "It'd be interesting to see how she fits in, especially with our dynamics."

Jimin chimed in, "I don't trust her. She's got something hidden, mark my words."

Taehyung's gaze remained fixed on the table, "We shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe she's just different, that's all."

Jungkook, who had remained quiet, finally spoke up. "She helped me today, and I think she's okay. She might be a sister to us if Dad marries her."

Amidst the varying opinions and contemplations, the prospect of YN potentially becoming a part of their family loomed—a notion that carried with it a mix of uncertainties and possibilities.

YN's Revelation

Later that evening, as the family gathered for dinner, a palpable tension lingered in the air—a sense of anticipation that seemed to transcend the usual tranquility of their meals.

YN stole glances at her mother, sensing an underlying unease beneath her composed exterior. Lee Sena, after a moment of hesitation, cleared her throat, her gaze meeting YN's.

"There's something I need to tell you, YN." Her mother's voice quivered slightly, betraying the weight of the impending revelation.

YN's heart skipped a beat, her eyes locking with her mother's. The silence hung heavy between them, pregnant with unspoken words that yearned to find their voice.

"Mr. Kim... he's been in a relationship with me for almost two years now."

Lee Sena's admission hung in the air, the words resonating with an unexpected weight.

A surge of emotions flooded YN—an amalgamation of surprise, happiness, and a tinge of hurt at being kept in the dark for so long. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of feelings, a sense of acceptance and understanding seeped in.

"I'm happy for you, Mom." YN's voice was a soft whisper, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"But please, don't keep secrets from me again."

Their gazes held, a silent understanding passing between mother and daughter—a newfound promise to be open and honest in their shared journey forward.

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