Nezha x Blind!Reader

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A/n: Thank you all so much for reading and now I can get back to it ❤️❤️

Hope y'all enjoy the story
No one requested this one but I thought of this one while watching Jurassic Park


Y/N Pov-

Being blind from birth is hard for me,even though I'm 21. (If this isn't your age then put your age 👍🏿)

I used to have a seeing eye dog but Mk petted him so much he ran away from him and me and it's been 2 weeks since then.

Right now I'm struggling to follow these chimes I hear and I keep bumping into the trees I think,dang it Ben why did you run!

I reach my arms out to continue walking but then the chimes suddenly stop and I freeze.
I listen carefully as the chimes are now a bit closer to me now so I gently reach my hand up and quickly retract my hand back when I feel something hard.

"Are you lost?"

A calm yet stern voice says infront of me,I shake my head as I hold my hands close to my chest.

"Then what may I ask are you doing near my home?"

"I.....I heard chimes...and...and I liked the sound.."

I say gently as the man infront of me steps closer.

Nezha Pov-

The girl infront of me isn't looking me in the she nervous?

"Then may I ask what are you doing near my home?"

I ask her a bit more gently as I lean down a bit to get a better look at her.
As I admire her facial features I notice that her eyes are a milky white.

Even though she's speaking to me I barely listen as I just stare into her eyes.

"The sound you heard were the chimes of the ancient celestials,I'm glad you like them."

I say calmly as a small smile is planted on my face.She smiles gently and her nervousness fades slightly as she moves her head up gently.

"May I listen to them again?"

She asks with a shimmer in her eyes.I bring out my chimes and grab her hand and place them in her palm.

"I have plenty more,you can have this pair."

The wind blows gently and the chimes sound once more and she lights up with happiness.

"May I ask your name?"

I ask her gently as she holds the chimes close to her.

"I'm......I'm Y/N.....and.....what's....what's your name?"

"I'm Nezha."

Yea nezha is a bit out of character but I can see him being sweet to a blind person

-----------------Yea nezha is a bit out of character but I can see him being sweet to a blind person Anyways

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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