Shadowpeach x Reader part 3

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-again I'm sorry for the wait-


I try to get the hands of the demon off of me but the mysterious voice caught me off guard and I along with the demons started looking around searching for the source.

We all look up to see a shadowed figure standing on some beers on the ceiling.

The demons look at each other and start laughing and I try to stay quiet so they won't hurt me more.

"Who do you think you are to challenge me The boulder demon?!?"
The demon who's holding me says in a booming voice as I whimper from the loud noise.

The shadowed figure fades into the shadows and appears right informer of us and we all flinch when he does so...


He dosent say anything but moves very fast past us,I didn't have time to react to he's movements cause the next thing I know I'm up in the air and all the demons are gone.


As gravity takes its hold on me I fall to the ground only to be haunting by something or someone catching me.

"Whoa,Hey there it's can open your eyes."

A voice said in a gentle way,as if trying to comfort me..

I slowly open my eyes and look up to see black fur and a red scarf.

"Who....Who are you?"

"You can call me.....Shade.."

+**+ Hello all I'm so sorry this rookie forever but I'm finally getting back to this so I hope you like this and sorry if it's sort I tried my best I promise there will be more and sorry to say but requests are closed so no more requests please and thank you for understanding
Luv all my little foxes (You guys) and thank you again for reading+**+

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