Macaque x Shy! Reader part 4

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11:05 am


I was on delivery duty and I brought Shade with me so I wouldn't be alone.He was sitting on my lap looking out at the road.

"You doing ok shade?"

I smiled and softly pet his head as I drive my car.Ive been working at Pigsys noodles for only 2 days and I think I'm getting the hang of it.

"So the order is 2 blocks away....I think I can walk that."

I hope out of my car and let Shade hop off my lap so he can stretch his legs.

"I'll be back so you can stay by the car if you want to."


I smile as Shade walks away from me and down a nearby alleyway...

'I need to get him a collar soon but I don't know what color to get him..'

As I walk to my delivery spot I notice it's a run down building with some weeds growing out of the cracks.
I go inside and see what looks like a abandoned theater setup.

"Hello!?....Did someone order Pigsy's Noodles!?..."

I didn't hear a response so I checked my phone to see if I had the right area....turns out I did but maybe it was on the roof?

??? POV

As I walk around the building (Y/N) went into I heard voices but I couldn't hear what they where saying so I hopped inside the building and saw 4 demons gathered in a circle mumbling and snickering at each other.

'Maybe I could stop them if they plan on harming her....but if not I'll leave them alone'

I sneeked closer to them so I could hear them better and I didn't really hear any I'll will among them so I decided to leave,but as soon as I went to leave I herd one of them mention her....


I didn't see anyone so I went to leave but before I could reach the door something grabbed my collar and lifted me off the floor and I started screaming.

"Oi someone shut her up!!"

"I'm trying but it ain't easy since she's squirming!!"

Someone covered my mouth and I was forced to stop screaming.I shut my eyes afraid to look at anyone.

'Please someone help me'

I cried in my head as I silently started crying...

"Is there a problem here or can I take that girl off your hands?"

More coming soon~

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