Chapter 12: Long time

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I groaned, god I felt like I had been sleeping for ten million years. I rubbed my face slowly and felt like my body was so heavy. I sat up really taking in the groggy feeling.

My mind slowly started to work again. My mind ran through what had happened... Cyrosleep! That's why I feel like this! My eyes snapped open and I felt the shock slap me in the face... My mind felt like it was going to explode.. "" I whispered. I scrambled out of my bed flicking on my light. "No!" I cried out.

I was in my room... My bedroom at my apartment house... Had I dreamed it all? I slapped my hand on my stomach feeling great instant pain telling me my wound was still there. I lifted my shirt looking, It was much more healed then last I saw it. I guess with the cyrosleep you traveled for so long maybe my body was able to heal a bit.

I was still in my cargo pants and black t-shirt... I looked out my window. It was dark out and there was no sign of light. But I still ran down my steps and out the front door knocking over the table next to the door as I went. As soon as my feet hit the pavement I saw that there wasn't a ship in sight.

I fell to my knees in the driveway.... Seriously, that stupid man had to just keep his stupid word... I slowly climbed to my feet and looked up at the stars. For the first time in weeks I finally let myself just cry.... The tears poured down my face. My heart ached in my chest...

I didn't even get to say goodbye! As if the world took pity on me it started to rain and I stood there letting it soak my clothes and let any chance of his smell dissipate. I didn't want to even admit it to myself even now.

I couldn't.... or maybe I should? I mean it was too late... I never felt this way before... The despair I felt told me it was real. I had actually fallen in love with him.... I let my face fall into my hands and I started to walk back to my apartment. I sat on my steps and cried for a long while.

What the hell would I even do know? What a cursed half life... To know so much more existed but to be stuck... here... It was nearly safe but still... I couldn't even chase after him. There weren't any ships here and there wasn't a place I knew I could go to hitch a ride. I couldn't call and ... Just what the hell..

I shivered feeling the cold for the first time in forever it seemed. Looking around I could see the trees looked bare, seeing the leaves all over the ground. It was fall? But when I left it had been just barely getting into spring.

I climbed up my steps and my legs felt heavy. It's like my body knew I was home and all that I had been through was finally setting in. My body hurt... It ached... But I didn't care I would feel it forever.... If I didn't have to leave. Funny I probably would have said the opposite before. That I would have given anything to stay here.

I finally was standing in my doorway again, I flipped the table back up seeing all the mail on the floor. I could see his footprints on the mail. I sighed... Going back into my room I looked around... My bag was sitting on the floor at the end of my bed. I picked it up looking in it, Everything was in it like before.

I saw that it looked like he had walked around my room. I smirked the nosy jerk... then I saw it... on my desk... I walked over sitting at my desk. There was a note..

" You're safer without me Darling." - R.B.R

I read it a few more times... He left me here... He must have thought I would end up dead if I stayed with him? I took a breath holding the paper to my chest. Then I noticed there was a metal chain under where the note was left... Was this his? It had a tag on it with marks on it like another language. It kind of looked like dog tags they had here for the military.

He gave me his military tags? I put them on feeling them rest against my chest. When a soldier gives you his dog tags, it signifies the highest trust and respect. It means that he believes you are someone who can be trusted with his life. Dog tags are much more than just an identification badge. The fact that he gave me these.... That's at least if they meant the same thing to him as the ones on earth.

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