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"Your house is...really big," Y/n said after a stretch of silence, "um.."

Yes, Aruna's house was big. Ridiculously big. Which brought him to his true question: why were they both in the same room, breathing the same air, on the same bed?

And before you allow your minds to wander, no, it wasn't in that context. They weren't making out, french-kissing, or giving head. In fact, they were on the very two separate sides of the bed, after Y/n had innocently suggested the activity of binge watching a show—a nature documentary!  Foolish decision, if you asked him. And instead of the state of the art, deluxe home-theatre Y/n was 100% sure Aruna had, somehow they were the master bedroom.

"I know," Aruna answered, voice flat and unimpressed, and Y/n cringed a little; "Y/n." He said after a while, looking a tad bit intrigued, "might I just ask...about your choice on this particular show? Why did you choose this?"

Y/n glanced at the screen.

Snakes are cold-blooded, the narrator said, they crave warmth...

A snake documentary.

"Oh, um," Y/n bit his lip, "since I thought, you know, you would like snakes and everything. And I could take this chance to learn.." He trailed off, flushing red.

Aruna tapped his chin, as if deep in thought. His eyes flickered with a hint of warmth.

"Do snakes?"

Y/n fidgeted nervously. His hands curled around the bed covers, averting his gaze. It was kind of awkward talking to some self-proclaimed..naga. But Y/n was in Aruna's debt, after the numerous clothes that had been bought, as well as the stupid five thousand dollar lunch. And Y/n still hadn't asked him the question that had been plaguing in his mind all day: why him? Why not some other person on the app?

"I don't looovveee them," Y/n said honestly, "but I'm not particularly afraid of them. All things considered, they're pretty decent."

There. A textbook answer. Kind of.

Aruna looked deep in thought. Again. And it was kind of annoying how he looked good doing even that.

"You must be a snake lover," Y/n said conversationally, "I mean, your bio species—it said naga. I was a little apprehensive and confused at first, but I think I get it now! You're a human naga enthusiast right?" Y/n clapped his hands, "hey! We all have our quirks! I don't judge. I don't shame. I'm a pretty pathetic existence myself, I—"

"What do you mean human naga enthusiast?" Aruna interrupted, his voice almost in disbelief, "you mean to say you think I'm human? This whole time?"

Gosh, did he have eighth grader chuuni syndrome or something? Like that person from Saiki K? It was kind of endearing, really. But it didn't really suit a face like his. A face that screamed beauty right at you. Not that Kaido wasn't cute, he was absolutely adorable, but this face just had an impression of no nonsense. It reminded Y/n of Yoo Joonghyuk, in some rather strange way.

"...Are you not?" 

Y/n was starting to doubt himself. The way Aruna said it with such conviction, like Y/n was the demented one and not him made Y/n a little confused. During the date (could it even be considered a date?) Aruna had been proved to be rather emotionless and serious throughout, even showing a hint of sadism (when he had forcibly bought Y/n all those clothes, but hey, who was complaining?) so it was kind of hard to think that he was joking. And plus, there was that forked tongue, and...

Yeah, yeah. Y/n was going crazy—so crazy, he  even considered the fact Aruna wasn't human.

"Y/n," Aruna said in a disbelieving voice—huh, did he really have the right to sound alluring and angry—"you are telling right now, to my face, that you believe...I'm human?" The last few words felt..forced, and wrong, rolling off his tongue.

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