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Khaotung couldn't believe that First actually still had feelings for him after being apart for so long.

Khaotung went to his house after pondering about First.

He then remembered that he had a plane he had to catch in the morning to meet with his family. So, he started to pack his bags.
While he packing his bags his mother called him.

Hey, Khao are you still coming to see us tomorrow?
Yes, Mae. I'm actually packing my things as we speak.
Awesome, Khaotung. So, how's everything going with you?
I'm doing okay I guess.
Khaotung?? What's wrong? I can tell something is bothering due the tone of your voice.
Oh okay, Mae. First and I aren't talking. We got together and Firet didn't want a commitment so he ended up sleeping  with my friend Pond. Then he tried to change for me. I then saw him at a bar because he protected me when someone was trying to hurt me. Then we ended up making up and became friends. But then I ended up hurting him by sleeping with his best friend in his own bed. So, now I'm at my house packing.

The phone was silent for a whole minute. I didn't know if my mom hated me or if she was just processing everything I told her. It still hurt the fact that she didn't respond for a while.

1 minute later-

Khaotung. I love you and I always will. But, I don't think First is the right choice for you. You know he's your best friend you don't want to ruin a friendship over a relationship. So, maybe you should talk to him to explain to him how you feel or whatever is on your mind you want to express to him. Maybe then it will put you both at ease.

Thank you Mae. But, I think I'm in love with First. I can't help him. I've tried being with other people. But it's just not the same. Because every time I do I always picture First in my mind.

Well, Khaotung if you feel like that's how you feel about him. Then go tell him that now before it's too late.

I will Mae, thank you. It was good talking to you. Bye, Mae. I love you.

Bye, Khaotung I love you too.

-end call-

Thoughts were racing in Khaotung's head. Oh what he should do.
He wants to tell First how he feels but he knows that after what he did it will be a while before he wants to talk to him.

So, he decided to let him cool down and then approach him at the right moment.

Next morning-

Khaotung rose up from his nice and comfortable bed. He rushed to the shower and grab the first pair of clothing that caught his eye.

Khaotung strolled downstairs to grab a granola bar and a glass of coffee.

Khaotung has to drink coffee in the morning or his dragging his feet through his day.

By the time he got down with his coffee he grabbed his bags and headed for the door.

He stood as his door a second to make sure he had everything. Because he tends to forget things.

Luckily this time he didn't, which was actually surprising.

Khaotung shoved his bags in his car and headed for the airport.

Then again his phone was going off.

He figured it was his mom but it wasn't it was

It tried to think what in the world would be first calling him for.

-hello, First? Did something?
No, you just left your charger at my place. I didn't know if you wanted it.
Oh no, I'm fine I got one. But, thank you First.
Hey, First.
-Call ended-
Damnit!!! Dammit!!
Khaotung wanted to speak to First but he hung up so that made very furious.

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