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First decided to walk into the bar even though he has doubts about Khaotung liking him or being happy. He still wants to prove to him that he has changed. So, he decided to go in and sit down and. He didn't he even drink he just sat in the corner and watched from afar of how happy and cheerful Khaotung looked. He was so mesmerizing to him.
First was fine until some guy walked in and dragged Khaotung outside.
Khaotung looked very uncomfortable in the situation.
I had to save him, so I rushed outside I looked everywhere for them. Finally  found them, they were outside kissing but, Khaotung was trying to push him off but the man was too strong to budge.

I rushed in to stop the action.
Hey, dude. Can't you see Khaotung is not comfortable with you kissing.
I don't care? Who the hell are you telling me what to do?
I'm First Kanaphan. I think you better back away. Before it gets bad. Oh yeah? What are you gonna do. You think your punk ass can beat me up?
I actually don't wanna beat you up at all. I just want you to stop taking advantage of Khaotung and start doing it to someone that actually wants it.

Oh are you jealous? Do you want me to kiss you?

Hell no!! I just want you to leave Khaotung alone. He's clearly uncomfortable.

Like I said First, I'm not leaving him alone because I don't care what he likes.

The whimpers coming from Khaotung mouth. Just made First do something that he eventually probably would be regretting but maybe he might win his Khaotung back.

I grabbed the guy's collar and knee him in crotch. The guy fell over in pain.

Khaotung broke from the guy's embrace and ran to First and hugged him.

Thank you, First.

Mhmm, First, nodded.

First was on his way home.

All he could think about was Khaotung he was hoping he was okay.
He could still feel
Khaotung's arms around him. He wanted him to hug him forever. But I had to earn the privilege to get that.
Then as I was dozing off to sleep. I heard a banging noise coming from the first floor of my apartment. I rushed down there to see what was going on.

It was Khaotung soaking wet and crying.

Khaotung?? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?
"questioned, First"
I don't know, I just got into my thoughts I was drinking and made me think of you and how much I missed you.
Oh.. but, I thought you didn't want to speak to me anymore?
Well, I really don't. "sobbed, khaotung"
But, I just love you so much. I hate that I do. Because, of what you did to me. But, you put such an affect on me. That I just can't let go of. I tried I slept with different people and to see if I get you out of my mind. But it just won't leave me. I'm sorry, I really tried.

Hey, Khaotung. I'm not mad. Because I've tried so hard to find a way to win you back. Because when you left I never was the same. I had to get advice from my friends. I love you, khaotung. I understand if you don't forgive and you need more to time to process what I did to you. I totally understand. But, I want you to know that I'm not giving up on you.

When I saw you at the bar dancing on the table. It made me think. Is he happy without me? Or is he drowning himself in his own sorrows?

Now I know the answer it makes me feel better. I didn't just save you to win you back. I saved you, because I want you to know that I've changed and I'm willing to be a better person for you.

Khaotung was listening very attentively.

So, I hope you didn't come over here so we can have sex or whatever.

Because I think we need more time away. I want to prove myself to you. Plus your drunk.
I love you Khaotung but I'm not going to take advantage of a drunk person.
That's not who I am.

Well, First. I didn't come here to kiss you or have sex. I just wanted to tell you how I felt.

You can tell that Khaotung lying. He wanted to have sex with First. But, if First wants to prove to him that he has change I will give the opportunity to show me.

Well, First if we're aren't going to get back together can we at least go back to friends.
I miss you so much, First.
Yes, we can be friends. But, you sleep on bed. I'll sleep on the couch.

No, it's okay, First.
I'll sleep on the couch.
Khaotung, you sleep on the bed. I treat the guest with respect. So you take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch.

Okay, first.

So, First do you have any change of clothes?


First grabbed Khaotung a pair of clean clothes.

Well, if you need anything Khaotung  just come downstairs. I'll be up for a while.

Okay, First.

First stay up on the couch.

Processing what just happened.

He couldn't believe that, Khaotung is back being his friend.

It felt like adrenaline just hit his heart.

Finally, First curled up in his blanket and fell asleep.

Khaotung came downstairs and he realized first was asleep. He went over and bent down and kissed his forehead.

Luckily first was in a deep sleep.
Khaotung smiled and walked away.

Why are you cute, First.?

Thank you so much the votes and everything. I really appreciate you guys.

Hopefully I'll have a new part soon.

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