"That's when we ran into Noise. He was working on the security. Something triggered an alarm. He got it fixed, but heard our discussion." Daisya offered.

"So, we came in here to brainstorm." Noise added.

"What was the security issue?" Komui asked.

"Oh, it was..." Noise stopped talking. He blinked slowly.

"It was a malfunctioning sensor in the hall by the training rooms." He whispered.

"Kanda, what did you see?" Komui flashed his gaze back to the silent warrior still standing behind him.

"I didn't think anything of it. A trick of the light..." Kanda half spoke to himself.

"There by the shield and swords, shimmer of light. It was gone in a flash." He answered the chief.

"Yes, I see." Komui rubbed his chin.

"Was that where the sensor malfunctioned?" he pressed Noise.

"Yes sir." Noise nodded.

"Sound the alarm. We have been infiltrated. Everyone meet me in the hallway to the training room. Bring every exorcist that is in house. Marion Cross could be behind this." With that, Komui walked out, lab coat fluttering behind him.

"C, can I help?" the little science rat asked in a squeaky voice.

"A, Allen is a friend. I know Timcanpy." He offered.

"Sure, Johnny. We may need you." Noise agreed.

Kanda stormed after the cheif. He watched as the man bent to look around the hall. He picked at something on the wall. Turning he looked along the hall. Getting up he walked about half the way to the training room. There he did the same thing. He stood with something pinched in his fingers.

"Road." He muttered.

"Road to where?" Kanda growled.

Komui looked back at him, as if he hadn't been aware of the silent sentinel until that moment.

"Not an actual Road, but a person. Road Camelot. A Noah. One with a very interesting ability." Komui offered.

The sirens blasted along the halls. The security heads voice thundered over them demanding nay and all capable exorcist to gather in the hall by the training room. Thundering feet pounded toward them. Kanda stood his ground at Komui's side.

Krory was the first there with Daisy and Noise. It was obvious they had filled him in. His face was pale, drawn as he gasped to a stop. Beside him stood Miranda. She looked a sigh she had just wandered into the hall by accident. Cloud Nine whipped her long silver hair out of her face.

"The Noah's found a way in, cleaver. How?" She demanded.

Komui looked up toward the celling. He didn't answer right away. It was Johnny who made a strangled sound. He punched something on the pad he carried.

"I think they used Tim!" he cried.

"As in the little golden ball, you disabled?" Kanda snarled barring down upon the scientist.

"EEP! Yes!" Johnny ducked behind Lenalee.

"Kanda, we need his help!" She pressed a thin hand to Kanda's chest.

"What can he do?" Kanda growled.

"Communicate with Timcanpy." Johnny pressed one last button.

"Allen can you hear me?" Johnny asked.

"Johnny? Where are you?" Allen's voice came out of the tablet the scientist held.

"At headquarters." Johnny said.

Both Kanda and Komui reached for the tablet at the same time. It tipped on the thin arm of the scientist. He tried to stabilize it, but it began to fall toward the cement flooring. Johnny screamed in horror. Kanda dropped to one knee.

With his foot he knocked Komui back half a step. His left arm shot out to knock Johnny back into Lenalee. Noise stood behind her, catching her shoulders he was able to keep either from getting hurt. Kanda caught the tablet with his right hand.

"Allen, is Lavi with you?" Kanda demanded.

"Oi, didn't know you were worried about me!" Lavi joked.

Kanda simple growled. The relief he felt that Allen wasn't alone, he would never put into words. It was just one more thing he owed Lavi for. He held the tablet out to Komui. The chef took it, giving Kanda a blank stare.

"What is the situation?" Komui asked.

"Oh, just your average, shrinking universe. Road wants Allen to marry her. She won't release us until he agrees!" Lavi insisted.

"Over my dead body!" Kanda growled.

"Well in about an hour, we may be squished into non existence." Lavi stated.

"There is always a game, a puzzle you need to figure out. Road loves to hide them." Johnny offered.

"Give me the tablet, maybe I can tape into Tim's eyes." He held his hands out for it.

"Why can't you just get Tim to bring them back here?" Cloud Nine asked. "Isn't he able to that?" she added when ever one looked at her.

"Maybe he could with Allen and him, but not Lavi." Johnny said.

"Please, everyone, stand still." Miranda spoke as if she were talking to a void. There came the toiling sound of her ability kicking in. Everyone stared at her. Suddenly Allen and Lavi appeared before them.

"You turned back time. That only buys us how long?" Komui asked.

"One hour." Miranda offered.

"Very well. Johnny take Timcanpy see if you can't do something that will help us. Allen, Lavi come with me." Komui glanced to Kanda. He didn't have to invite the silent warrior, the guys ain't moving from Allen's side again.

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