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I couldn't change in the car, So I came far away from the outside to change. Good thing there are no one here. I kept Searching for a proper place to change and finally after 10 minutes I got it.
Suddenly i felt a hand grab me from behind closing my mouth.
" Mava, what a piece ra, wet body, making me wet. " The person holding me commented. My reflexes acted and I kicked him on his knee behind as he let go of me. Thanks to my training his leg should have been broken. I guess... No i am positive... Its broken. .
"Rey get her. " He shouted and 3 more men advanced towards me. I was about to run but one of them pulled my pallu from behind tearing it along with my blouse where it was pinned. And one more made me fall flat on the ground grabbing my hair. No this is not good. Dont think about it... Don't think about it...I kept telling myself but No I can't help it. This Deja vu feel is hitting me hard and I am turning numb. No No, I cant shut down now, I need to fight and save myself, But I couldn't.

"No, please leave me,don't do this. I always see you like my dad, please I beg you."

I had a sudden flash of that incident! which completely made me blank.. I could sense those guys touching me and smiling evilly at me. I wanted to push him off me, But I couldnt react. I just couldn't react. The hell!!! tears slipped through my eyes, I couldn't react ....I feel so helpless. But I couldnt react. I hate mySelf for this.

Time was running and I couldn't register anything that was going around at the moment.  A guy was hovering over me but next moment he had vanished. I was fighting them in my brain.
What ever happened to me... I will not let it repeat again... Pain is not your fault but healing is your responsibility!!!
Once i was weak ,twice i was week but not the next time and the times after that.... I cant fall week.... Even if i kill someone with my bare hands right now, i wouldn't feel guilty, because choosing to live your life on your terms is a mandatory in the current world. When its a matter of your life.... Just fuck the world... I deserve it. I grabbed what ever I've got in my hand, the force I've ever used, i used it all and hit the guy on his head. Yes i am a robot... If i have a weakness, i have the guts in me to make it my strength.. So i even fight like a robot. Attaching and repairing is hard but breaking is damn easier... So i broke some bones... My brain was continuesly playing the same memory of the incident.... Compensation for that, i took it all out today.
I fell on my knees . I could see the sky blured by clouds and my eyes blured with tears. I could  Sense those tears slip through my eyes. I felt a pat on my cheek, vadina's face Came into view. I blinked my eyes, she kept patting my cheeks. Pulling me up and making me lean on to the rock beside, she shook me hardly and a gush of water was poured on my face making me react gasping for air. I could see, dev twist a guys neck as he fell on the ground near his feet. I scanned my surroundings. Then It stricked me I am safe now i actually Saved myself and did not just imagine it all. My eyes fell on the men fallen on the ground in a pool of their own blood. I was too brutal with them... And i am proud of myself for it. I am sure nanna and maa will also feel the same. Those guys some how ran away.
I looked at vadina blankly, Completely opposite to her panic filled face, tears threatening to fall out. I could see the others come running to us. First it Was Mukund anna who ran towards me.
" Are you ok? " He asked in his low voice... This was the first he spoke to me after all these years... I wanted to tell him.. Scream to him that... No  i am not ok... I need you.. I need my brother... I needed my strength... I wanted to ask, where were you when i needed him the most... But none came out of my mouth.
" Th.. H.. They.....tried to
.me..." I managed to say, but couldn't form any sentence.
" No doubt you are actually heartless, that you hit so brutally. What did you imagine now... That they came to kill you, that you are the Queen Victoria." I heard avika pass a comment.
" Shut up avika. " Anna roared.
" What, dint you see with your own eyes how she'd hit them all... All alone, she managed to make such build up men fall almost dead. She is a psychopath. "
" Did they misbehave with you?"  Anna asked not minding avika's words. I slightly nodded, still shivering.
" Oh, so just for misbehaving, you almost killed them... No wonder!!" Avika said again.
I just looked at Anna, tears were flowing nonstop from my eyes.
" Believe me, they tried to.. " I tried to speak using all the left over strength in me. Anna cut me off in the middle. Maybe he don'tt trust me. And don't want to listen to my explanation.
"Drama queen" Avika commented again. But the next movement, what Anna did shocked me. He slapped avika.
" For once think like a human " He said to avika and turned towards me. " I believe you. " He said. Anna believes me?? Then why din't he believe me back then??
I pulled my legs to my chest tightly clutching them Staring into space. I couldnt understand what was running on my mind. Except for the sounds of voices reaching my ears.  Dev kneeled down before me, trying to search something in my lifeless eyes. Maybe guilt?? May be he too think the same as avika. But his eyes dint feel like he was accusing me. He was just trying to find Something, maybe to know what I was feeling, which I myself have no idea about, he dint Speak a word, neither did I, he helped get up and walked me till the Car later, I dont remember how i even got home. my thoughts were clouded with something else which shouldn't be running on my mind right now, but it wasn't in my control.  The first thing I did, reaching home was call maa. Her worried face Came into view of course, why wouldnt she be, it's past 6pm and very unusual of me calling her at this hour of the day.
"Arghya, what happened?" she could see how I looked, soiled- muddy torn Clothes, messy hair, Red check with imprints. I Know I should not trouble her with all my problems always but I wanted to tell her Something. A good news.I explained her what happened completely and She listened, her Expressions Changing constantly from worried to panick to petrified and crying as i narrated.
"Maa, You had to see me in the morning, I was reacting, and I felt completely normal, I could feel the difference. I wasnt blank or numb, I Smiled, I laughed and i actually enjoyed. And the main thing is even after that worst incident also. I dint get my panic attack like i thought. Its good right, that's why I wanted to share it with you, I'm improving maa. I'll be normal soon. Don't bother about anything else maa, finally your hard work to make me normal, paid off." She gave me a pitted look, still crying.
" No Ari, you are not allright at this moment. You were normal in the morning, that's really good news, but not now and this in really bad than you thought."  She said.
"But I didn't get any panic attack maa, I've just shivering hands and legs, may be it will stop soon, I've taken my tablets. Im fine." She shook her head.
"No, No, No, ari, listen to me carefully. Do you even look at your self? You dont see it, but you are talking like a complete robot, this is not ok, you are not ok, You are developing tremors and its clear cut reason that your Seratonin levels are falling badly. Reversed mechanism is developing, you might get an attack anytime soon. It could be seizures which is not at all good. This is an emergency and you are doing as I say. Do you get me? " She rushed, I nodded.
"Ari, Maa is always here for you. But I Cant always be with you. You have to fight this battle.I know my ari is a strong girl.....will you do it for me?" I nodded again.
"Good, Ok, Now, There is a kit in your bag, an injection, its an anticonvulsant, its a Precautionary. you have to inject into your blood Stream directly, Intravenous,will you be able to do that?"
"May be."
"Ok, go for flexor of your elbow. Find a vein, that would be easier. You have to be really careful, It's a high dose. You have to inject just 100 ml , not more than that . Before that, check your pulse and BP, there is an Oximeter in that kit. Everything is fine, i trust you. Inject it slowly." I carefully did as maa guided me. Trying to relax a bit and after about 20 minuter Later, my BP was fine and my tremors slowly started reducing.
At last maa let a sigh of relief after checking my BP again.
"You will be allright in a while. But you really have to do something now. I know you are still thinking About it you have to divert yourself or it will trigger you again. That would be really risky, we cant give another dose. It will be dangerous for your life. We are Starting now, I'll call nanna and send gagan for help, if you need anything. Tell him about these goon, he will Take Care of them , Go grab your archery set.  Don't bother that Some one might see you. This is needed for the moment. what ever might happen Dont think about it.
I'll call you in an hour. When we Reach" The Call disconncuted, I freshend up changed my clothes. wearing my track and T-top, I grabhed my archery kit and Sneeked out of the house.


" Mukund, arghya do not look fine, she needs us, we cant leave her alone in this situation. " Radhi said.
" She will not let us in radhi, just give her something, she will come around. " Bava replied as if he was in some dilemma.
" You sound like its so normal and she will be all right. As a girl i can understand what she might be going through now. I'm going to her. " Bava stopped her from going out of the room.
" She won't even open her room door. " He said it like its so obvious.
" Bava, what if she really needs us now. She is your sister damn it. Seriously you prefer to stay here and wait until she come and cry on your shoulder rather than going to her to wipe away her tears." I was really pissed off... The thoughts crossing my brain right now are so much unlikely of me. I wish i could cut those goons piece by piece keeping them alive. They touched whats mine. I saw tears in her eyes. I loved the way she smashed their heads... I am very proud of her, she could save herself. But the rest i want to take care of, i promise myself, I'll not let them go so easily... I'll make them rot in hell, i swear!!!
" We wait here and one more important thing, no one is telling a word to anyone else about this matter. " Bava said.  "Mukund, what is even happening here. You don't tell that you have another sister in the first place... its been 2 good damn years we are married, not even once you have mentioned about her, when you talk about whole of your family, even about the workers in your house you spoke many times but not arghya. She is just a girl mukund. Did you even see her face. I was so scared to leave her there in that state. I dont understand why you are stopping us. " Radhi argued.
" Radhi, just listen to me for this one time and dont ask me what and why... We going and involving might trigger her and i don't want to explain the later consequences. I just want her to calm down first. And we cant do that, even if we are beside her. She has to do that on her own. "
Though i was physically present here, mentally, i was thinking about arghya. I couldn't bear all the things happened . Those lowlifes touched arghya and are still alive. What i saw in her eyes was true pain and fear. Some unknown fear which wasn't just about one situation. Her eyes held something else.
" What consequences mukund!! I want to know right now!!!! " Radhi was arguing with bava.
" She was a drug addict! " Bava said shocking us. " She was 14 and was addicted to drugs. we all dint know about it at all. She was my little baby. My first child. May be i too had gone wrong some where, that she chose a wrong path. We dint know how serious it was until her addiction reached hallucination stage. The worst part was. I couldn't be with her. And dint know what to believe.
She Halucinated that surya mavayya, shanti peddamma's elder brother, tried to push her off the terrace, but actually, she was about to slip off the edge in her intoxicated state. Mavayya tried to save her, unfortunately, in that attempt, he fell from the terrace and died on the spot. Arghya had a bad cerebral injury, she slipped into coma. We all thought she wouldn't make it, later when she came back alive, she lost her mental stability. She used to scream, shout, panic attacks, she tried to run away. We had to send her for therapy all these years. Now, she is all right i guess. But after this peddamma and avika started hating her. Arghya had been the cause of her brother's death. Peddananna literally disowned her for the drugs thing. He hate looking at her.
We all just let her be and do what ever she wants. Not sure how and what she'd react . Thats why im stopping you. If we trigger her and what if she gets a panic attack. I'm scared, i hate to see my sister like that. Im her most vulnerable state. Please give her some time. I'm sorry radhi, for not telling you about her. I was so broken, for what happened with her, and remembering her only gives me pain. I din't want to share that pain to you." Its really hard to digest what bava just said. She deserves love and support what ever the case might be. Love from family would help her heal better.
" She needs love bava... To heal... I am really sorry to say this but you and your family failed doing it. Im sorry for talking like this, but its the truth. Keeping her away wouldn't work. She have to be accepted normally so she'd change herself to be a better person. What ever she is, she is still your sister. Not checking and guiding arghya in her tender age is a real shame on the parents side... Who knows what made her choose stuff like that. Its family's responsibility to check on their kids. Really sorry to say this, but Mavayya failed in parenting. He might be a good man, but not a good dad. Where were you bava , you said she was your like you child. Blaming her wouldn't errase or cover up your flaws. " Saying i left the room in anger. What does this family even think about themselves. They are punishing a girl for Such things. I don't know, but I could feel how lonely arghya might have felt. It really pains me. She don't deserve it, she dont deserve such a family. I want to love her, support her, guide her, protect her. All those drugs, unstability din't effect me. I'm Actually thinking what made her pick such a thing in life. what ever it in the such a gem. So precious which have to be treasured. I've seen what she is, her true self is an innocent, lost child craving for love. That's what made me fall for her.
Arghya!! My eyes fell on her. Why is she sneaking out? I got alert immediately, i wanted to check if she was ok. So i followed her.

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