My eyes shifted up to him, "What was that?"

He didn't say anything at first. His eyes shifted over to me, "I don't know." He began to walk off of the porch, "Stay here."

I furrowed my brows, "What? No-"

"Emma, stay here." He quickly said, cutting me off.

I walked over towards the top of the porch steps, "Derek, I'm not going to let you just go out there by yourself." I shouted, furrowing my brows.

"Yes, you are." He says, sternly, "You're going to stay here, and wait until I get back." Before I could say anything, he took off sprinting in the direction the scream came from.

My green eyes watched him as he ran off into the night. I crossed my arms and scoffed, "Like hell." I then turned towards the front door. I quickly walked inside, and grabbed a gun off of the side table by one of the couches.

I gripped onto the gun, and walked back out of the house. I ran down the porch steps, and followed after Derek. I didn't care if I was running out into the woods barefooted. It wouldn't be the first time I'd ran outside without any shoes on.

The air was cold, as the wind blew against my face and through my hair. I had both hands on my gun, as I looked around the area for Derek.

I tried to listen for him, but I couldn't hear him. All I could hear was the sounds of nature, "Derek!!"

There was no response.

My brows furrowed a bit, "Derek!"

He didn't respond.

I slowly stopped running, and began to look around the area. It was quiet, as I froze where I stood. I kept my gun down to my side, "Derek?-" I was cut off, whenever I felt someone quickly pick me up and sprint me over to a tree.

A panicked look was on my face, as I looked to see that the person was Derek. An annoyed look was on his face, "What are you doing out here?"

"I came out to help you." I quickly said, furrowing my brows.

"I told you to stay at the house."

I scoffed, "And leave you out here by yourself, I don't think so-"

"Shh." He quickly hushed, looking around the area. My brows slowly began to loosen as I began to look around a bit as well. Derek's grey eyes shifted to me, "We have to get back to the house before they find us."

A confused look started to come over me, "Before who finds out? Who's out there, Derek?"

He didn't answer at first, before his grey eyes connected to mine, "The Argent's are out here, and they know about me." My eyes slowly starting to widened after he said that.

I felt Derek scoop me up in his arms and ran us back into the house. I had my arms wrapped around his neck, while I had my face pressed into the creak of his neck. My eyes were clenched shut, as I felt him run us into the house, closing the door behind him.

I pulled my face away from his neck, and opened my eyes. He sat me back down onto my feet, and took a couple steps away from him.

"Who was the Argent's after?" I asked, a curious look coming over me. I walked over and placed the gun I took back onto the table. The annoyed look never left his face, "Why did you go after me even after I told you to stay here?"

"Who was the Argent's after?" I asked again, raising my brows.

He scoffed quietly, as he rolled his eyes. He didn't answer at first, "It was Scott." He shoves his hands into his front pockets, "He had shifted because of the full-moon tonight. He's a Werewolf, Emma."

[Book 1] Star-Crossed Enemies ~ SPN/TVD/TW/CharmedWhere stories live. Discover now