11: Questions of the mind

Start from the beginning

"It's smart to get yourself checked, but... why are you sleeping around? You never did that much before, is everything okay?"

Only Seungmin could call him out on his bad choices so easily. "Want me to be honest?"


Jisung hesitated, prolonging his answer further by dropping the dishes in the basin and running some water. He wasn't one to open up about... anything. The last time he ever opened up to someone in any way was years ago with with mother and... no, he wasn't going to think about his past.

"Let's just say things have gotten frustrating. Enforcement's new rules haven't helped either. I didn't see a single job posting here in the city on the bulletin, so it'll be a miracle if I manage to survive for very long."

Seungmin shook his head. "That ban they set yesterday is ridiculous. The ranking system should be used based on people's actions and values, not their magic."

Jisung decided against doing the dishes for fear of breaking all of them in frustration or anger, and instead fell into an arm chair across from Seungmin. "I'm used to bans, there are plenty of them surrounding fire magic. What I'm not used to is being stuck in one spot."

Seungmin went quiet for a moment. "How about I talk to Chan and that Enforcer that's been hanging around the guild? If a healer, like me, accompanies you, then perhaps they'll be more open to letting you leave Agrook."

"I see where you're coming from, but Enforcement will not. Fire mages are erratic and dangerous, remember? It doesn't help that I'm the only fire mage within a hundred miles of here, I've been on a watch list since I came here."

"Do you have a previous record or something?"

Jisung glanced away. "No." He didn't have any official record, at least. No one knew what he did years ago, and no one would ever find out. "They're just biased, that's all."

Seungmin scoffed lightly. "I'm more wary of mind readers, if anything. Those mages should be considered as dangerous or even more so than fire mages."

"They can't do physical damage with their powers, of course they won't be considered dangerous. This is why I hate Enforcement. They don't know shit."

"I agree." Seungmin pulled his pocket watch out and glanced at it. "I should get going, I've got a train to catch."

Jisung slumped down in the chair until his body was squished between the arms. "Have fun being free and making money."

Seungmin threw his jacket on and got to his feet. "I will. And sit up, you'll destroy your spine sitting like that."

"Yes, mother."

"Brat. I'll let you know if I can find a way to get you out of Agrook."

Jisung closed his eyes. "Safe travels."

Evening had just arrived, so Jisung wasn't really sure what to do for the rest of the day. He considered going to sleep, but that would only result in him waking up in the middle of the night, therefore destroying his schedule. Not that he really needed once since he wasn't working.

The job in the Amulet Mountains had paid a decent amount, so he wasn't doomed just yet, but the money wasn't going to last forever, and if he ever wanted to leave this small apartment and improve his living situation, he needed to work as many jobs as possible.

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