chapter three

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~all these people think love's for show, but i would die for you in secret~

When they landed, Jane and her mother hurried to baggage claim and then called for an uber to their hotel. As soon as she shut the door, the driver asked,

"Aren't you the girl who's gonna be in that new show?"

"Uhm, yeah," Jane replied. She silently cursed herself and wished her social skills were better.

"My daughter loves those books. Do you mind signing this napkin?" he asked her. She took a glance at her mother, who was smiling proudly. Jane couldn't help but sign it.

"Of course," she replied. Jane gracefully grabbed the napkin and the sharpie the man placed next to it, and then she sloppily signed her name. That was another thing she had to work on. Her signature was the opposite of perfect. She handed the napkin back, and the driver smiled at her through the rear-view mirror.

"She's going to love this. All she's been talking about since she saw the news was how perfect you seem for the role," he explained.

Jane had heard many nice things from people about her casting. But something about that just seemed more...special. It was nice to know she had the approval of a young Percy Jackson reader.

Jane grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you, sir."

The ride to the hotel was about thirty minutes. The rest of the way, Jane and the others in the car didn't talk anymore, so she put in her earbuds. She shuffled her playlist with Taylor Swift, then looked out the window.

Then, she got another text. From Walker.

Walker: Are you here yet?

It was only 9:30 in the morning in Vancouver, but for some reason he was being incredibly impatient.

Jane: we're on our way to our hotel. should be about thirty minutes.

Walker: YES!!

It was funny, because Jane realized that she and Walker weren't even staying at the same hotel. He still wouldn't see her until early the next morning on set. Apparently, that was either irrelevant to him, or he was just stupid and didn't know. Jane decided it was likely the second possibility.

Jane: desperate much?

Walker: No tf

Jane: okay...

Whatever other arguments he was going to try to make, Jane decided to ignore them. He only made himself seem more desperate when he tried to argue the truth.


"Y'all have a good trip!" The uber man called out when he pulled up to the hotel. Before she got out, Jane kindly thanked the man.

One great thing about being cast in the show was that Jane didn't have to pay for any of the big things. She was given a free hotel stay for each place they went to film. She expected some sort of four-star hotel with two queen beds and free breakfast. But when she saw what the hotel actually looked like, she couldn't hold back her gasp.

It was tall. Very tall. She didn't know if it was real or not, but there was gold lining each window. It seemed like everywhere she glanced, there was an over-the-top water fountain and statues. If the outside looked like that, then Jane was scared to find out what the rest of the hotel looked like.

When she walked through the big glass doors, she was amazed. However, it wasn't exactly because of the elegance the hotel possessed, but rather someone she saw.

Twenty feet away from her was Walker. Sitting in a large (probably expensive) chair by an amber fireplace, peacefully reading a book. He was one of the only ones in the massive lobby.

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