we heard the sound of a car coming closer and I was curious who else would come. the car parked next to ours and out came: Charles, Carlos Mick and the one I hoped wouldn't show up... Max.

when I saw him step out, they felt like everything stopped. why hadn't Danny said he was coming? most likely it was that Danny knew I wouldn't be coming along then. they arrived and everyone greeted me with a hug, Max of course didn't look at me. They started setting up their tent and I put on music on the speaker we had brought.

Charles had brought an inflatable boat with him and was trying to blow it up. I went into the tent and changed and luckily Lando didn't come in and see me half naked. When Charles had managed to inflate it we jumped in the water and it was a little cold but not so you couldn't swim.

I twisted the boat away from Charles and climbed in. Mick also tried to climb up but instead he did so they both fell back into the water. When I came up to the surface of the water I was met by Mick. I splashed water on him and when he started attacking me I tried to swim away from him. I turned to see if he was still after me but he was nowhere to be seen.

I felt some hands on my waist and was lifted up from the water. I screamed at the sudden touch and I looked behind and saw that it was Mick who had lifted me out of the water. Mick smiled his cute smile and I felt everyone around us disappear for a moment. When I was dropped back down and about to swim back to shore I was greeted by some blue eyes staring at me. I ignored Max and went up to dry myself while the others continued to bathe.

after a while the others came up and dried themselves. Danny tried to start a fire but failed so I went over to him to help him. I started over and put everything back together and wrestled the lighter from Danny's hand.

"how can you be so good at starting fires, you're not a serial killer huh" Danny asked with a look of fear on his face but his voice revealed he was joking.

"damn you got me" I laughed and Danny burst out laughing too and put his arm around my shoulder.

The others came forward and sat around the fire. I sat next to Danny and Mick while Max sat across from me next to the Ferrari guys. when the sun started to set, Daniel got up to get sausages for us to eat. I looked at George awkwardly but George glared at me as a way of saying just one bite was enough.

I struggled to eat but took two bites just so the others wouldn't get suspicious. I saw that George was proud of me because I ate something which made me proud of myself.

The fire was starting to die down so I offered to go look for more sticks and branches that we could use. it had now gotten dark outside so I didn't dare to go alone. what if a giant spider decided to eat me.

"can someone come with me"

everyone looked at each other as if to decide who would come along.

"Mick, me and Danny guard the things and you Belle, Max, Lando, Carlos and Charles can go look" George said.

I sighed but was glad not to have to go alone with Max. we entered the forest and started looking for sticks on the ground. however, we had taken the one that was close before so we needed to go further in and I swore to myself that I didn't stay with the others.

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