Dean puzzled, furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing?" he asked, his curiosity evident in his voice.

Sam, understanding Serafina's methods, glanced at Dean before explaining, "She's listening for vibrations on the tracks."

Serafina, facing them with her ear against the cold steel, smirked. "I learned it from a movie," she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. She closed her eyes again and instructed, "Now both of you shut up for a few seconds so I can concentrate."

Dean and Sam exchanged a tight-lipped glance at each other, a mixture of curiosity and respect for the legendary hunter that was in their presence. A hushed silence fell over the brothers as they waited for her to listen.

Serafina easily fell back into a state of instincts, predatory senses, and concentration as her ears attuned to the vibration of the tracks that trailed down the left pathway. Her senses were always unparalleled to anything the Lockharts had seen before. 

She had to hone in on these gifts, but over time and with a lot of training, she had come to learn how to use her senses to her advantage out on the field.

It was the subtle shifts that had made her an extraordinary hunter. 

The way her hair stood on end when she knew she was on the right track to finding a hidden monster in the shadows, the way her body urged her forward without understanding why but just trusting, or the way she could block the blow from an assailant as if she already knew what move they were going try next.

The vibrations on the track to the left seemed to speak to her in eerie vibrational whispers. 

Serafina quietly got up moved to the right pathway and proceeded to do the same thing she had with the other tracks. She leaned the shell of her ear over the tracks and listened intently for a good ten seconds but on the right track, she was met with complete silence. 

No vibrations or whispers. 

Serafina stood up, brushed off the gravel on her jeans, and pointed her flashlight towards the left pathway in the split, "We need to go to the left," A determined glint flashed in her eyes.

"If we split up we could cover more ground faster," Dean simply suggested with a small shrug.

Serafina started walking into the left tunnel but whipped around quickly to face him with an exasperated expression, "Says every victim in every horror movie ever. We go left," The finality of her decision became clear in her tone. 

Sam, ever the reasonable one, said again, "Dean, we have no idea how far these tunnels run. I say we stick together,"

Dean grunted in agreement, "Fair enough. Left it is."

Sam added quickly with an encouraging smile, "Strength in numbers, right?"

Serafina brightened at Sam as she playfully nudged her shoulder against Sam's, "See? He gets it!" She turned around only to hear their footfalls closing in behind her, catching up on both sides as they fell into a palpable silence together. 

Their flashlights continued to cut through the shadows, revealing the graffiti-covered walls and the rusty tracks that guided their way. 

Serafina couldn't help but sense the occasional side glances from Dean, positioned on her left. She focused on the path ahead, refusing to give him the satisfaction of acknowledging the unspoken curiosity. 

Nevertheless, a silent wonder lingered within her—what thoughts were crossing his mind in those unspoken moments?

As they ventured further, she could see up ahead what looked to be ambient lighting, akin to that of a candle flame - but not just one candle flame, but a bunch of candle flames, creating an eerie glow that bounced off the walls of the tunnels and creating a soft glow. 

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