The tunnel stretched on into oblivion. 

Faint streaks of light filter through occasional gaps in the tunnel's ceiling, creating a dramatic contrast with the darkness that enveloped most of the space. 

There was an air of abandonment that was palpable.

Serafina shined the light all around the tunnel and was instantly met with a dampness that carried a musty smell from when the tracks were still in service.  

The boys descended the ladder one after the other, finally meeting her in the quaint, eerie darkness that enveloped them all with an air of mystery. 

"This reminds me of an old horror movie I once saw. Miner goes crazy, and kills everyone with a pickax.." Dean mentioned casually as he flicked the industrial flashlight around the walls, taking it in the graffiti-covered walls as his light cast dancing shadows around the tunnel. His eyebrows knitted with a mix of fascination and caution.

Sam raised his brows at Dean's morbid comment before rolling his eyes with a sigh, "Let me just add that to the list of things we need to be on the lookout for," His voice echoed throughout the tunnel as he inspected a few symbols were spray-painted boldly in red on the walls.

Serafina's light then illuminated the tracks that were embedded in the tunnel, creating a roadmap for them to follow. She nodded toward the tracks, signifying their route forward.

"These tracks are going to be our map. We need to start walking," Serafina declared, clearly taking the lead to venture deeper. The two brothers caught up to her one on each side. She turned to acknowledge Dean with a mocking smile, "I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any miners wielding a pickax," 

He made a face as she pursed her lips and continued, the tunnels creating a haunted ambiance that pulled all three of them deeper inside. 

Filtered light cascaded in thin slits from above, the moon obscured by their presence underground, but its light was still bright enough to ensure they weren't in complete darkness.

As they proceeded, the dampness seemed to intensify. The tunnel stretched out endlessly, and soon, Serafina could scarcely discern the entrance from which they had started. 

"Getting cold feet?" Dean observed with a teasing tone as Serafina faced the front again after shining her light behind them. 

"Hardly," Serafina scoffed before pushing forward, "Just trying to gauge how far we've walked in this creepy labyrinth." She let out a half-smile, the playfulness not lost on her.

Sam remarked casually, "No turning back now." 

The air became more saturated with the musty scent the further they pressed on, the rhythmic echo of their footsteps creating an eerie melody that followed them as they continued.

After what felt like forever, they finally came to a split in the tunnel, one veering to the right and the other veering to the left. It reminded her of the split in the trail coming up here. 

They all slowed to a stop, pausing in their tracks as their beams of light searched each corridor for answers on which way to go. 

"Any suggestions, fearless leader?" Dean quipped, lazily turning his face to her as he unveiled a lop-sized smirk. His tone was a mixture of sarcasm and genuine curiosity. 

Serafina bit her lower lip, her hunter's eyes narrowed to slits as she stared into the depths of each one. Straightening up, she met Dean's lopsided smirk with a determined one of her own. "I've got an idea," 

She started walking towards the left pathway and paused to bend down, her jeans sinking into the cold gravel of the tracks. Carefully, she pressed her ear to the embedded tracks, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. 

Unexpected | D. WinchesterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora