Chapter 20: Diamond's Electric Encouter

Start from the beginning

"Ah aren't you the cuteish little fellow," Diamond said smiling and a small Pokemon.

It was a small chubby prairie dog Pokemon with yellow fur and a white underbelly with large black eyes and red circles on its face. It had a short tail and slightly muscular legs.

"Look at that," Roy commented placing bowls on the table.

"What is it, Roy?" Jennifer asked.

"Diamond stareing at that Pokemon quite seriously.  I think she wants to catch it," Roy replied.

"Oh really," Jennifer said looking over at the Pokemon Roy was talking about." Let's see what Pokemon that is," She said pointing her Pokedex at the cute Pokemon Diamond's attention was focused on.

[Praichu, the Praire Dog Pokemon. An electric/ground type.  Paraichu are often shy and burrow into the ground to protect it safe from dangerous.  Though shy they can sometimes be quite energetic.]

"Just too cute I must have you as my Pokemon!" Diamond said happily."Now Chimchar go use Furry Swipes!"

"Chu!" Praichu cried out as made cute eyes at Chimchar with pink hearts in their eyes.

Chimchar then froze at the sight of those adorable eyes.

"That was Baby doll eyes so Chimchar attack weaken," Roy said.

"That won't stop us Chimchar show whose boss with Ember!"

Chimchar fired a blast of flames from his mouth at Praichu knocking it to the ground.  Praichu shook its head and got up as it charged at Chimchar with electricity around its face and hit Chimchar sending him flying back and landing on his face next to Diamond.

"That was Spark," Roy said.

"You okay?" Diamond asked.

"Char," Chimchar said getting up.

"Now use Hidden Power!"

Chimchar glowed green balls at Praichu who dug underground avoiding the attack.

"We missed."

"Pra!" Praichu cried out as it released a powerful charge of electricity from its cheeks hitting Chimchar and surprising Roy and Jennifer.

"Man that's some power for a little chubby fellow," Jennifer commented.

"Yeah but I believe that chubby one getting worn out," Roy said pointing at Praichu who was panting.

"Now finish it with Flame Wheel!"

"Chimchar!" Chimchar cried out as it slammed into Praichu surrounded by a wheel of fire.

"Now Pokeball!" Diamond shouted throwing a Pokeball at Praichu who was sucked inside.

The pokeball shook four times before it clicked signaling that the capture was successful.  She walked over and picked up the Pokeball."Alright, I just captured a Praichu!" She cheered holding up the Pokeball as Chimachar cheered along with her and Foilpup jumped up happily around Diamond's legs.

"Great job that Praichu will make a great addition to your team," Jennifer said giving Diamond a thumbs up on her capture.

"Excellent timing as well lunch is almost about ready to eat," Oswald said adding a bit more seasoning to the soup.

Once the soup was ready to go he put some in the bowl for everyone and put food in the bowls for the Pokemon to eat lunch as well Diamond sent out Praichu to eat lunch as well.

"Now with a new addition added to Diamond's team the gang enjoys a peaceful lunch with their Pokemon and their new member before getting ready to continue their journey through Route 4," The Narrator said as the gang was seen eating lunch with their Pokemon.

To continued...

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the 20th chapter of Pokemon Destiny Quest. In this chapter, Jennifer and the gang stop for lunch after finally getting out of Hollowstone Cave and beginning their journey through Route 4.

Thank you to everyone reading and leaving votes on my story.

Question of the chapter: What do you think of my fanmade Pikachu clone of the Solan region?

Jennifer Team:

Flacub (Starfire)(F)

Croling (Ace) (M)

Solan Meowth (Starla) (F)

Treecoon (Sage)(M)

Bunluv (F)(Mitten)

Solan Ekans (M)

Pokemon at the lab: None

Diamond's team:

Chimchar (M)

Foilpup (F)

Praichu (F)

Roy's team:

Sauflora (M)

Solan Aipom (F)

Pokemon at the lab: None

Oswald's team:


Scyther (M)

Solan Totodile (M)

Word Count: 1221

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