𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒

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It's was a stormy day once again and Rain couldn't help but wonder why out of all days, it had to be his birthday. Rain was turning 19 today and even though it didn't mean much to anyone, he was just happy to be alive and to survive another year on earth.

Rain did have a wish though but unfortunately it's not able to come true.

No matter how much he prays and prays, his mother's cancer can't be cured and it's already at the final stage as it has already spread all over her body. Rain has no choice but to spend little time he has left with his dear mother.

"I'm sure heaven will be kind to you mother. I heard it's peaceful and you will be happy." Rain said as he peep through the corner and looked at his sick mother that's in the kitchen.

Putting up a smile as she always does to try to convince herself and others that she is fine.

Rain told his mother that it is okay to cry. If it hurts, just cry and let it all out but she never does. Rain entered the kitchen and greeted his mother while he mustered up a smile of his own. She smiled at her gorgeous son while Rain goes up to her and hugs her tight in his arms.

A single tear drop escape the boy's eyes.

"Happy Birthday Rain. I'll be here at home waiting for you when you return home from school." She said.

"Should we head to the hospital? I can skip school and try to find another oncologist to help cure you." Rain suggested as he still hopes to help his mother stay alive.

Rain's mother grabs both of his hands and grip them tight.

"No Rain, we have already tried everything we could. This is what is fated to happen. There is no cure for me." She told him.

She used one of her hands and swipe her thumb across Rain's face to wipe away the tears her son had made. She definitely doesn't want to see her son cry on his birthday.

Not today.

"Go to school, spend time with friends, and buy anything you want. I already send you money to your account." She instructed while she caresses her son's face.

Rain nodded and followed with his mother wanted him to do. She leaned in and stood on her tipy toes and kiss her son on his forehead.

Rain smiled and hugged his mother once last time before he left off to school for today. Closing the door behind him, he frowned as he heard the roaring thunder as today couldn't get any worse.

When there's a storm, comes the rain.......


"It's a storm today. You know it's never a good day." Sky said as he looked at the sky. He tried to to summon a flare of his powers to try to clear the clouds but to no avail it didn't work.

It's no doubt the work of the devil himself as his powers were no match for the alpha demon. Sky has only ever seen him a few times by coincidence.

Sky is a angel of healing as well controls the sun in the sky. He's a one of the chosen angels to walk amongst the mortals that was granted by God to protect.

Not only that he is an Omega Angel but he awaits for love one day. As he wishes to obtain this feeling of being love by someone. He's waited for over 300 years for his Alpha but it's nearly impossible since he is always guiding and helping others.

Speaking of guiding, he sees his apprentices or I guess how Rain calls him, his best friend.

"Good Morning Rain." Sky says to him with a smile.

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