Missing flannel ❤️☀️🐑 (Solangelo)

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Inspiration from a tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lunalupo.cosplay/video/7321807559571148065 

Will's POV

"Hurry up Will or we're gonna leave you!" Kayla yelled from outside with all our other siblings.

I continued throwing my stuff around in my search that looks to be fruitless. "Just go ahead to breakfast without me!" I yelled back.

I heard the door open and Kayla walked up to me. "What are you even looking for?" She asked, clearly annoyed. I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at her, clearly upset and annoyed.

"I can't find my favorite green flannel. I always wear it on the first day of winter, and it's the first day of winter, and my flannel is missing!" I complained, crossing my arms and sitting on my bed.

She put her hand on my shoulder. "We can help you look for it. But first we have to get to breakfast." She said. "Fine." I sighed.

We stood up, with my head hung as Kayla dragged me out of our cabin. 


At breakfast

I was the last one of my siblings to get to breakfast. I got my food and sat down.

"Hey Will, You said the flannel that went missing was green, right?" Kayla asked. "Will's missing his lucky flannel?" Austin asked.

"Yes to both, why?" I asked. "I think I know where it went." She said. My head shot up and looked at her. "Really? Where?!" I exclaimed with a huge smile.

"How would you feel if I said someone was wearing it, right now?" She asked, with a smirk. I glared at her. "Are you saying someone not from our cabin stole it and is currently wearing it?" I asked, getting angry.

She smirked and grabbed my head. She turned it so I was looking at the Hades table. Where the seven plus Reyna and Nico are sitting. But more importantly, Nico wearing my favorite flannel.

All anger instantly drained from my being, instead being replaced with love and admiration, as a smile came across my face.

Jason noticed me staring at Nico. He smirked and said something to Nico causing him to turn around and look at me, he blushed and immediately turned back around.

"Are you still angry at the thief?" Austin asked, jokingly, causing a few of our siblings to giggle or laugh.

I just sighed and shook my head, still smiling. "I'll talk to him after breakfast, but he is adorable in it." I said. Kayla made a fake gagging sound, causing even more laughter.

"You two are so cute I think I'm gonna be sick." She said. 



Nico's POV

The others and I were eating breakfast at my table. Why my table? I don't know.

Everyone was talking and laughing while I stayed quiet. Will gets mad when I don't eat a good breakfast and I know any of the seven would tell him if I didn't.

"Hey Nico." Jason said, getting my and the rest of the table's attention. "A special someone is looking at you all lovey dovey." He said, teasing me. I turned around to see Will looking at me, with eyes full of love that he only gives me, mainly in private.

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