Secret? ❤️🐑☀️ (Solangelo)

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Kayla's POV

I was just watching Will and Nico when I noticed something.

"Hey Austin." I said. "Yes?" He asked. "Did you every realize how Will and Nico act around each other?" I asked. Austin stopped what he was doing and just sat there for a second. "Now that you mention it... I've only seen Nico smile around Will and Will is much happier when Nico is around or when he talks about Nico." Austin said.

"Why do you think that is?" I asked. "No clue." He replied. "Should we ask on of his friends?" I asked. "Does he have friends?" He asked. I gave him a disapproving look. "You know what I mean. "My bad. Who should we ask first?" He asked.

We both sat there for a few seconds.

"Piper." We said at the same time.

We both stood up, and I turned towards Will and Nico. "Will, Nico!" I called. They stopped talking and looked at me. "We are going to go, see you guys later!" I finished. "Bye guys!/See you later." Will and Nico replied.

Austin and I started making our way towards cabin number ten.

"Do you have any ideas to why they are acting different?" he asked. "I have no clue. All I know is they are almost always smiling around each other and whenever Will talks about Nico, he starts smiling and glowing." I replied.

"And he has been talking about Nico to the point where it seems Nico is the only thing on his mind." He added.


"It sounds like either they are dating, or they are crushing on each other, hard." Piper said.

"WHAT?!" Austin and I yelled.

"Yep. Either they're dating, or pining after each other. It sounds so cute." Piper said. "I'm honestly surprised none of my siblings have noticed since most of not all of us can smell pining."

Austin and I just started at her.

"Are you guys ok?" She asked.

"So you're saying, either those two have been pining after each other for Zues knows how long! Or Will has been in a secret relationship and didn't tell us." I said. 

"Is something wrong?" Piper asked. "Will has been keeping a secret from us?" Austin whined.

"Why didn't he tell us? I would've loved to play match maker." I said, disappointed. "Well there's still a chance to do that." Piper replied.

"You're right!" I exclaimed. "Austin, you look for Will and question him, I'll look for Nico to question him." I instructed. "On it." He replied, then we ran off.

A few minutes earlier in the Hades cabin
Will's POV

I was laying with Nico on his bed. He has his head on my chest, one arm around me, and is as close to me as possible. I had my arms wrapped around him and was playing with his hair as he slept.

"Will." Nico mumbled, as he cracked his eyes open. "Hey sunshine, did I wake you?" I whisper. "No." He replied.

I moved his hair out of his face and kissed his temple.

"Will." Nico said. "Yes?" I replied. "Do you want to tell the others about us?" He asked. I sat up, picked up Nico, and maneuvered him so he's sitting in my lap and looking at me.

"If you want to tell the others, I'm ok with it. I only care that you're happy." I said, giving him a reassuring smile. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned closer. "Thank you Teroso." He replied.

Our lips connected for a few seconds then Nico pulled away. "I think it's time we tell our friends. We've been dating for a few months now." He said. I smile and brought my face closer to his.

"We'll deal with that tomorrow, but for now, I want to spend some quality time with my adorable boyfriend." I said.

Our lips once again connected. I brought him closer by his waist while he tightened his arms around my neck and started playing with my hair.

We just sat there, enjoying being in each other's arms, and being right against each other for I don't know how long.


Nico and I stopped kissing and turned to who said that.

It was Kayla. She was just standing there. I couldn't read her face so I didn't know how to react.

"H-hey Kayla. What are you doing here?" I asked, I could hear the nervousness in my voice. I felt Nico get off my lap and sit next to me.

She just looked at us for what felt like forever.

"So Piper was right." She said. Nico and I looked at each other confused, then back to Piper. "What are you talking about?" Nico asked.

Kayla smiled. "When Austin and I left this morning we went to Piper because we thought she would probably know why you two have been acting weird around each other. She guessed that either you two like each other, or you two are dating. Looks like it was the latter." She said.

"So you're not angry or upset?" Nico asked, clinging on to my arm.

She looked me in the eyes. "I'm offended you didn't atleast tell me that you had a crush on Nico." She said, looking into my soul. It felt like she was scolding me.

"But other than that, I don't care, as long as you guys are happy. Nico doesn't need that shovel talk, but I'm guessing Will will be getting A LOT once you two tell the others." She answered.

I didn't even think about that.

"Shovel talk?" Nico asked. "It's basically someone who cares about you giving Will a talk about how if he hurts you, he will be six feet under." She explained. "I'm not looking forward to that." I said, putting my head down.

"Don't worry. You'll only have to worry about dad or Hazel killing you if something like that happens. Even though it never will." Nico said, hugging me. I hugged back and pulled him back into my lap, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

"The most shocking thing though is... Nico Di Angelo likes people. Didn't see that coming." Kayla said. "I'm not even gonna justify that with an answer." Nico retorted. I laughed at that.

"Before I leave and let you two get back to what you were doing, I have one more question." Kayla said. "What?" I asked.

"Nico. Are you one of the male demi gods who have the ability to get pregnant? If so don't forget protection, don't worry I won't tell anyone." She said, then ran out.

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