Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies

Start from the beginning

(Start at 0:26)

"End of Flashback"

Solazar: Yeah I guess you're right. But still it wasn't my intention-

Russell: The fuck it ain't your intention bitch, you're made out of fire.

Solazar: At least I don't insult and yell and act totally useless.

Russell took that personally.

Russell: Take that back!

Solazar: I will once you stop acting like a teenager and pins mistakes on others.

Before the argument could go on any further,

Aldryx stepped in and separated the two.

Aldryx: Woah woah calm down fellas.

Then Cody, Dawn and Emma came along to the scene to see the commotion.

Cody: What's going on here?

Russell: He burnt the roast!

Solazar: I just went to check on the roast and it burnt. It was an honest mistake.

Russell: Mistake my ass, we need to wrap this guy in tin foil so he doesn't burn the house.

Dawn: Now now guys it is irrational to cause a commotion over burnt meat. Mistakes happen Russell, you should know that by now.

Russell: Thanks to him i gotta start all over.

Emma: Oh quit if you baby, we'll just order something.

Aldryx: I have no problem with that.

Cody: Same. But I came to realize something with you two.

He pointed at both Russell and Solazar.

Cody: The more you interact, the more disdain you have with each other and soon if that continues it could lead to many rifts within the group.

Dawn: Cody's right, we already had Magnus and IRyS a little while ago and now you two.

Russell: Don't blame me for being angry at him, he usually acts slow.

Solazar: It's better to act slow than to rush things. I do agree with Cody and Dawn, if we want order we have to do something about it.

Russell: Yeah maybe we should kick the fire hazard out.

Solazar now has furrowed brows.

Solazar: Or maybe we should kick the douchebag out? How does that sound?

Emma: Ok that's it, you two are clearly a recipe for the disaster. If I were you Cody I'd send these two to a therapist.

Solazar/Russell: Huh?

Cody: Y'know that's not a bad idea actually.

Aldryx: Yeah the more time Russell spends with dad they might become friends.

Russell: In your dreams Al, I would rather stick a sword down my throat then be friends with him.

Dawn: Yeah...they definitely need help....

Cody: Starting tomorrow you two are going to therapy sessions. But the main problem is I don't know a good therapist.

Emma: Oh you're in luck cause I know a guy who is a professional in his craft where he's tackled cases like this.

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