
24 2 3

8 PM

We were in David's car and my phone screen lit up. I quickly picked it up, hoping it was Jake, finally reaching out. Perhaps, it wasn't.


"Heyyy, where have you gone? Should I wait for you?" Just now

I quickly responded with a simple "I'm coming soon, give me 10 minutes :)"

I turned off my phone and put it down on my lap with a quiet sigh. "Klee, you know you can tell me everything. Has something really happened between the two of you and Jake?" David looked at me

I remained quiet for a few moments, looking out the window before Dave pulled on the side of the road, turning off the engine. I snapped into reality, getting confused. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did you stop?" I quickly asked. "Are you even listening to me?" Dave sounded irritated.

"Honestly, no. I am too tired and keep zoning out. Now start the engine, I don't want to make Peter wait so much" I tried avoiding the question

"Not before you answer my first question! And who in the universe is Peter?!"

"I didn't hear your first question" I pretended "But imma answer the second one. Peter is the person that I will share a dorm with," I sat more comfortably in my seat

"Wait, wait, wait... Peter Brown??" He sounded even more irritated now

"Yes, why? Do you know him?" I got scared for a second

"Oh, I won't let you share a dorm with that mf-" He warned Woah, that was unexpected

"Nobody is asking you. I already told him I am gonna take the free place in his dorm, so I can't take the offer down anymore" I tried changing his mind

"Klee, listen to me. He is not a good guy, trust me for once!" He sounded more of concerned than annoyed now

"May I ask why? What has he done so bad that you don't want me to live with him??"

"Doesn't matter, the important thing is that I have known him for more time than you and you gotta believe me when I am telling you to not live in his dorm" He looked pleading at me

"Look, I can always leave if he tries to do something, but right now, I don't have other options, so..." I couldn't decline Peter's offer

"You can live with me in my dorm. I am sure J won't mind you staying... he doesn't even stay there most of the time, so it won't be much of a problem" David suggested

"No, Dave. First, I can't do it, it just doesn't feel right. And second, I don't want to break my promise to Pete. I will stay in his dorm, at least for a bit" I wasn't about to change my mind anytime soon

"... Fine, whatever!" He snapped annoyed "Don't say I didn't warn you tho." He turned on the engine again

It took him a few moments to calm down, but when he did, he looked at me with concerned face once again

"So, I was asking if something really happened between you and Jake" His eyes narrowed when he said my boyfriend's name. He always hated him for some reason.

~𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 in the feelings~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें