He wanted to see him so bad but he can't.

He wanted to tell him all this pent up frustrations and affection he had been holding back.

Even if he is not the real Shen Qingqiu. Even if he was just an imposter that deceived that child.

"I love him." He whispered, "I really do..."

Words spat out of desperation, he wished he could tell him straight on.

Those words he couldn't tell him, he wanted to tell him now. He wanted to embrace him, cry until he's satisfied.

He was a person who was used being alone but he's missing Luo Binghe dearly.

He screwed it up.

Much being an ass than the system.

[Luo Binghe's POV]

"Hey, you really gonna fight? I may not be granddaddy Cheng but can I request for you to wear at least an interested face?" Luo Binghe didn't know where the hell his words came out. Ah, when he thought of Wei Wuxian, maybe that blasted bunny rubbed it on him. Ahhh. Thinking that Wei Wuxian somehow affected him made his head ache.

"Shameless." Qi Rong hissed. Edging a blow from the side. Luo Binghe cooly blocked the attack and stroke for offense. Qi Rong is as slippery are Hua Cheng told him though he is not that powerful. Ah, he couldn't help but shook his head remembering how Hua Cheng ordered him around to memories things.

Seriously. That grandaddy was merciless. While Wei Wuxian is a slave driver, Hua Cheng is much worse. He can't even raise any complaints and felt like he ended up as lackeys for the two. Tsk. Tsk.

Qi Rong swing his sword. Luo Binghe evaded by nick of time, he made a spin to Qi Rong's back. Tightening his grip on his sword, Luo Binghe swung his sword targetting to cut off Qi Rong's head. However, Qi Rong was fast enough to block his attack with this sword. Qi Rong followed a straight kick from the back. Luo Binghe took hold of Qi Rong's ankle and about to swing him around to slam him on the ground. Qi Rong's free leg, landed on Luo Binghe's hand, forcing a twist and a strong kick landed on Luo Binghe's face.

Luo Binghe stepped back. His showed a very sloppy and amused grin. "Bastard." He can tell that his opponent is fighting him half heartedly but still so strong. He even ask himself where the heck is the trash Hua Cheng told him.

Ah... It seems like trash talking Wei Wuxian right now would be the least priority right now.

[Hua Cheng's POV]

Hua Cheng sheathed E'ming. His opponent doesn't have the will to fight.

"Not gonna fight?"

"Not with a wimpy kid like you. Well, I have three questions." Hua Cheng replied lazily. He stood in front of Mo Xuanyu who stared at him blankly, "First, Why are you in his body? Second, how did you do it? And third, you are not a fighter, but why come here?"

If not for the soft smile, Hua Cheng would definitely fight him. However, he can't will himself to fight a harmless squirrel smiling softly at him. He really doesn't have the motivation to fight wimpy kids.

"Why do you want to know?" Mo Xuanyu asked.

"I just want to." Hua Cheng replied waving his hand lazily, "well, if you're not gonna answer, I'll just wring it out of that brat."

"Hm. I don't have my body, since I willingly offered it to the Yiling Patriarch. I was a soul without a shell, I didn't know what really happened but I got sucked to a dark place and ended up in this body. Originally, this body was torn by the dead and resentful energy, but somehow, an incomplete body rest in that place. So, I decided to complete this body." Mo Xuanyu smiled, "I am not a fighter, yes, I don't have reason to remain here, I am just here to see what the world would have become. The Yiling Patriarch is a very kind person."

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