I shake Dmitry's hand, "After our time in my homeland, your Father was so kind to host us here back in New York. Which works out perfectly considering the unfinished business we have here" He shakes my hand for too long as he talks.

I nod "I'm eager to here your plans" I smile and he drops my hand.

"We won't be here long, we've only just come to discuss some affairs and we'll be off for dinner after this" Dmitry prompts.

I smile again, "Sounds exciting, where are we eating and what do we plan to discuss?"

"It's for high ranking officials" Stefano cuts in.

I continue, "I ran this mafia for the time you were on vacation" I challenge.

Stefano licks his lips, "The matters to be discussed are restricted"

I hold his gaze, "Very well then".

"Just let the boy come, he is your heir after all" Dmitry convinces Stefano.

My Father complies unwillingly (obviously sucking up for the sake of the alliance) and leads us to his office.

The so called confidential discussion wasn't as foretold given that there were another 8 men in the office with us. I take a seat at the table opposite my Father and continue to stare down the bastard. He appears to seem unbothered by me but I keep notice of the nervous glances he exchanges with me.Resting my chin on my hands, I watch him waiting to hear this restricted discussion.

"Now that we've formed an alliance, there is only one interference" Stefano watches as the members of the table nod, "The mother fucking Spanish" He curses and a few men grunt in annoyance.

"Nicholas Rodriguez may be new as Don but he is not new to the game. Already he upholds a strong reputation and is on the move to become undefeatable, that is why we've joined forces- to take him down" Stefano smiles, "If we murder Nicholas, we prove a point. But if we murder the entire Rodriguez family, then whilst they mourn we pounce"

Dmitry speaks up, "Of course this isn't just an assasination we are planning. We must make it known that the Spanish have a bounty on their heads and for that we must get our hands dirty" He cuts his cigar, "The files in front of you show the assigned dates and areas we have planned for tasks to slowly take them down. The Spanish are the most powerful existing mafia, we must do everything we can to slowly defeat them so that we can kick them whilst they're already down". A few words are exchanged around the table but I only focus on when either Stefano or Dmitry speak.

I clear my throat, "And who do you have assigned to do these jobs?" I ask Stefano.

He smirks and looks towards Dmitry, "Since you're so enthusiastic, I'll leave it to you and your little group of friends to do it"

I lower my eyes, "What's the catch?"

He licks his lips, "If you fail, Mateo dies"

I swallow hard, "And if I succeed?"

He thinks for a second, "I will step down as Don and you'll take over".

The room becomes silent, "You have yourself a deal" I nod and Stefano downs his drink, keeping his eyes on me as he does so.


It was close to 7pm by the time the meeting concluded, Stefano kept his promise and went organised a dinner for Dmitry and all of their officials. Dante had been waiting outside the office the entire 3 hours that we were in there and yet he didn't seem tired by the time I'd left the room.

"What went down in there?" He asked as soon as we were far away enough from the men.

I let out a frustrated sigh, "I let my anger get the best of me and now you, the girls, Marco and I have to do a bunch of tasks targeted at the Spanish"

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