Chapter 5: Time for Holidates

Start from the beginning

The Dream Paradise.

Khun parked the jet ski on the dock before he, Endorsi, and Hatz set foot on the shore. Khun waved at his companions to follow him as they walked towards the resort island. The island was a dream come true with its white sand beaches shimmering under their feet, palm trees, and colorful bungalows. The water was clear, turquoise, and sparkled under the brilliant sun. They could see fish swimming near the shore, and the sky was a clear blue without any clouds. Seagulls squawked in the sky, and other birds chirped. The laughter of the people enjoying the sun filled the air. They couldn't wait to explore this beautiful place and have some fun, so they looked around.

As they were admiring the scenery, a well-dressed man wearing a tuxedo, bow tie, clean-cut grey hair, and a large top hat approached them. He placed his right arm on his chest as he bowed down to greet the guests.

???: Greetings, Regulars. We're pleased to welcome you with open arms. I'm Tophat, your butler at your service. I'm here to assist you to check in upon your arrival and throughout your stay. If you need guide or anything, you can ask me anytime.

Khun: Shall we go check in, guys?

But nobody seems to hear them as they're preoccupied with the sight.

Shibisu: Now this really is a paradise! I must be in a dream!

Shibisu looked at the pretty girls walking around in their swimsuit and drooling.

Then suddenly someone pinched his right ear!

Shibisu: Ouch!! Hey! Who woke me up from my dream?!

Anaak: Dream my arse.. You're such a perv!

Shibisu: Ugh.. I'm not! And what's wrong with dreaming?

Meanwhile, Hatz sighed and looked away in disgust and looked at the ocean with people windsurfing instead and he thought of trying it.

Endorsi: Hmph! You truly never change! Drooling all over as soon as you see girls in their bikinis!

Endorsi is feeling annoyed and offended that no one seems to be paying attention to her and no one is looking at her so she thinks of changing into a bikini as well.

Endorsi: Come on, let's go check in and find our reserved rooms! So we can go and change!

Khun: Finally. Someone heard me. Yeah, we can look around later.

Let's go, Baam.

Baam is completely mesmerized by the resort's attractions . He never imagined that he would witness such an awe-inspiring place in his entire life. The resort is vast, and he can only see a small section of it from where he stands. In the island's centre, there is a massive fountain that serves as the focal point, with water dancing rhythmically. There are food stalls and shacks for refreshments near the beach, while more significant shops and restaurants are accessible if you explore the area further. He looks in every direction, taking in all the sights until he is gently nudged on his hand, breaking his reverie.

Khun: Baam?

Come. We can look more around later.

Let's go check in and find our room first so we can put down our things and get changed.

Baam: Ohh okay! Sure!

Tophat: Follow me, everyone. This way, please.

Tophat directed them to enter the lobby for the reception.

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