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'Well, that was fun.' We're back in his apartment.

'I expected more of a fight, though. That was weird, I didn't expect him to go down that quickly.'

'I may have mixed some vecuronium in his drink while we were talking.'

'And he didn't notice?'

'Are you sure your family is just playing mafia or are they actually the mafia?'

'Mmm, I don't know, I'm pretty sure, when I saw my uncle Milos brutally murder 15 men all at once with a single pencil, I kind of was convinced that they MAY be the real mafia.'

'I wouldn't be so sure. Anyways, I don't want you going home.'


'It's 10 PM and we just attacked a mafia member, it's not safe.'

Is he worried about me?

'I can go back, I'm good.'

'Oh, I didn't ask.'

'Try and stop me.' I snap back.

'You don't wanna do that again. I'll snap your bones like you snap a carrot.'

'You're threatening to snap my bones to stop me from going home so that I can be SAFE?'

'No, no, I can do much worse.'

I look at his grey eyes, he's serious alright, he glares at me from the couch. I don't really feel like he's lying. Maybe he's genuinely concerned for me.

No, that can't be right.

'Fine, I'll stay, but you better not try anything funny.'

'Oh, you mean like when we made ou-'

'Ok, goodnight Joshua.' I go towards his bedroom.

'What, you wanna sleep together? You whor-'

'No, you're sleeping on the couch.'


'Too bad.'

I get on his bed and tuck myself in the middle of the bed. It smells like him. I burrow my head deep into the pillow and mattress and the world starts to get blurry and dark.



Huh, what the fuck? Who's at the door at 4 fucking AM?


Then I realize the sound isn't coming from the door, it's coming from the window. It's hard to see in the pitch black sky, but I can make out an arm climbing the window. What? I live on the 9th floor, who could possibly?

Then I remember, this is Joshua's house and he lives on the 3rd floor.

I slowly sneak out of the covers and open the door, coming out in the living room.

I slowly shake the man sleeping like a corpse on the couch.

'Joshua. Joshua, wake up.'

'What do you fucking waantt? Oh, it's you.'

'Wake up. And don't be so loud.'

'Skyler, honey, if you wanted to fuck, you should've told me at night, it's too late right now, let me sleep.'


'Oh shit, really?' He sits up.

'Noooo! I'm just joking!' I say, sarcastically.

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