Messenger from Iscandar, and an unexpected savior

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17 January 2199 AD


The once former ninth planet of the Sol System, now reclassed as a Dwarf Planet.

About two hundred thousand kilometres away from the planet, a spaceship bearing the markings of the United Nations Cosmo Navy (UNCN) approaches Pluto's orbit. An Isokaze-class destroyer, the Yukikaze.

Aboard the bridge of the Yukikaze, its navigator called out on their position.

"We're currently in orbit 200,000 kilometres from Pluto."

"To your battle stations!", called Yukikaze's XO, Eiji Ishizu, as the ship's commander, Mamoru Kodai, arrived by floating onto the deck. A buzzer before Klaxon sounds as Kodai's feet land on the deck floor.

"No enemies sighted off the coast of Pluto.", informed the radar operator.

"The seas are calm, it's almost scary.", commented Ishizu, as a slight smile formed on his face.

After adjusting his hat, Kodai issued a command.

"Set up a signal flare to the main fleet."



First Fleet

180,000 kilometres behind the Yukikaze, a fleet of 21 UNCF warships called the First Fleet, arrived at its intended destination, 380,000 km off the coast of Pluto.

Consisting of a mix of Isokaze-class destroyers and Murasame-class cruisers, this fleet is led by the flagship Kirishima of the Kongo-class battleship.

On the bridge of the Kirishima, Admiral Juzo Okita stands defiant with Captain Osamu Yamanami sitting beside him. Out in a distance in front of of them, out the windshields, appears a source of light that flashes in a pattern.

"Signal round sighted from vanguard ship, Yukikaze.", reports a Communications Officer. "It says, "I have entered the operations area.""

"Spotters report enemy sighted!", the Radar Operator called. "Multiple contacts at starboard. 4 o'clock."

"EM wave restrictions released. Identify the enemy ships.", commanded Captain Yamanami.


On a large display, four silhouettes pop up from top to bottom. The first ship is of a large-looking design that's followed by proceeding smaller silhouettes, with their dimensions to the left and ship count to the right of the display.

"Scan complete. 1 Super Dreadnought-class Battleship, 7 Heavy cruisers, 22 light cruisers, and 90 destroyers and counting.", reported the Radar Operator, who kept a steady and professional voice despite seeing the numerical superiority of the enemy.

This is it. The fate of humanity settles on this battle., thought Okita before raising his head and issuing an order.

"All ships to combat positions. 30 degrees to starboard. Prepare for exchange of fire."

"30 degrees starboard!", affirmed Kirashima's helmsman, as sirens cry out from the speakers.

As the Kirishima turns to starboard, all other ships in the First Fleet turn to follow suit.

Meanwhile, approaching rapidly from behind the First Fleet, the before-mentioned massive fleet of enemy warships, the Garmillas, soon arrive on the scene alongside the First Fleet.

As the First Fleet arranges in their battle formation, so too do the Garmillian ships with each side preparing to target each other. Okita and Yamanani turn their heads to the left, facing their enemies as the Garmillas take their battle positions.

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