Extra 2

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Contrary to popular belief, the Vongola's tenth generation was not very attached to the older generation. The Tenth was the exception, to say it in some way. Unlike the other members of his family, the Tenth procured to keep the longest distance possible from those that were his predecessors. At the same time, the Tenth also gave the softest signals of someone insecure, distrusting and possibly scared. It wasn't something anyone could notice and less at the first try. Truly, it wasn't something that was noticeable if it wasn't for the odd overprotection the Tenth had over himself in these circumstances, which in itself was very out of place. After all, they belonged to the same family, didn't they?

-... and it is supposed to be fixed? - Tsuna couldn't stop himself from asking, uncertainty dripping from his words, looking at the plastic tape in a still visible crack and spark that came and went close to the base of a certain bazooka.

Of course, like Tsuna expected, no one seemed to find anything wrong or notice the little things that, on their own, gave him chills. Tsuna didn't need his intuition to alert him that something was wrong repetitively that he should be as far away as he could from the bazooka of the ten years. It only made the situation he was in more tragic. It made him want to cry rivers because his luck was, simply, of nightmares...

- Of course! - And the sick bastard engineer, sadly he could not say that unless he wanted to be shot in the head by Reborn, had the gall to say this from the screen of a robot. A robot.

Like everything he had pointed out wasn't enough to say that something wasn't fine, the one responsible to fix the bazooka couldn't come in person. Or someone responsible. Or a messenger at least. No, they had ro sent a robot. Reborn wasn't even here. Yet. So there wasn't a reason to use a robot... It wasn't like it would do anything if the best assassin of the world chose to go against who was behind the robot or was controlling it.

- I will prove it immediately! - Uh, wait, WHAT?

- It isn't necessary! - The future Vongola Tenth screeched with a very high voice and moved at the speed of light. The boy's intuition screamed that something horrible was coming. - Really! It isn't-Puff!

Tsuna's last thoughts were not pretty thighs for the engineer and the fact this guy had sent a miserable robot before everything became pink. Specifically two things. The first being that he was totally ignored, and not only by the one's responsible for all this disaster that he didn't even know what it would be yet. First, being ignored in words and gestures by several people, something that wasn't really new. The second being that it had to be a robot out of all the things, one that was like trying to move a wall. Just, apparently, the robot wasn't well made because Tsuna heard something crack before all he could see was pink.

- Ehh... - Yamamoto grimaced, seeing the robot's arm on the floor with sparks of electricity.

- Oh, don't worry. When I was coming here a group of people with odd hairstyles tried to dismantle my robot. - With only an arma, and ignoring completely the smoke and a bazooka that was away from him and from who was the victim of said bazooka, the robot did its best to shrug. - In this city there is a high rate of weird people with several accidents of dubious precedence. - If Tsuna had heard this, he would have brought his hands to his hair and would have tried to pull it out and stay bald.

For Tsuna, the alternative of wanting to say something ugly or harmful or just kick whoever said those words was blocked by the instinct of self-preservation and the vivid image of getting a bullet between his eyes. That, and possibly going out to who knows where in boxers or being tortured several days just for being "audacious". There wasn't any need to give more fuel to his nightmares.

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