Chapter 8

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Reborn, like expected, didn't take the news about a kid following him with the "task" of killing him with a smile. His plan was to take the kid and throw him in a box, then send it by mail to his house if he saw him. It didn't need to be said that he got a surprise at what the kid showed off by accident, with the stupid idea that it would scare him.

- REBORN! – His target ignored him completely once again. This was making him mad. - It is me, the great Lambo-sama! - Nope, Reborn didn't even glance at him. He hated to be ignored. - Let's see if you like this... - He took all the weapons he could from his hair, took off the security and threw them off.

Lambo didn't notice that he threw off more than only pink grenades, and that was the only thing he didn't get back. Meanwhile one Arcobaleno stayed very quiet, seeing a card that ended in front of him. The flames dancing over the card actually. The kid used the bazooka, crying rivers.

Lambo didn't notice the change. He just wanted one person, nothing else. The problem with the tears was that he couldn't see much, and he had no idea where his special person was.

- This has to be a joke, it is barely 3 a-

- Dad... - He wanted him, and he wanted him now. - dad...

- Okay, okay... - He didn't know who was there, but he didn't care. That didn't save this person from a bite for taking him. - Do you want me to take you to him or not? God... - There were some more whines, mostly for the river of tears.

He was left without care in what he believed to be a bed, and there was a lot of movement before hearing:

- What's going on...? - The complaint came from someone that just wanted to sleep, but Lambo didn't notice that. The voice was unmistakable, even charged with sleep. - Tell me that Mukuro did not provoke Kyoya again...

- Your son is looking for you. - The bed moved abruptly at the same time it was heard:

- What? - It was almost, almost, a hiss. Lambo didn't care.

- Dad... - He couldn't see much as it was, but he could hear. Some.

- We told you that you spoiled him too much. - He heard something similar to a hit before feeling someone too close, taking Lambo with him in what Lambo believed to be a hug.

- Ssssshhhh, everything is fine, everything is fine now Lambo... - He was patted on the head several times, and that sweet voice didn't leave him.

When the teenager was replaced by the kid that 5 minutes earlier was there, said kid was almost done with the tears. The kid was busy licking candy, and the remainder of orange flames were dancing along the kid's body.

Suddenly, like the card and the sudden apparition of the teenager from before weren't enough proof, Reborn knew he had to put up with a kid more time than he would even want.

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