Chapter 10

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And of course the Tenth had to be insufferable and make what was crystal clear clearer than that.

- Uhhh... - Lambo didnt know what to do or say, finding a not so friendly look as soon as the smoke went out.

- Herbivore. - Apparently, that was some kind of greeting.

The black haired man with tonfas at hand got up from his chair and opened a door he was guarding before sitting down again.

- Don't be rough. - Said the man, going back to cleaning his weapons like nothing happened.

- Kyoya? - Came a tired and somewhat sleepy voice. It was dad! - Is something the matter?

Instead of answering, the guy called Kyoya just raised an eyebrow while looking at him, like saying: "what are you waiting for?"

- Kyoya? – Not waiting anymore, Lambo darted inside the room at high speed.

His good mood went down when he saw a very white room, with weird machines making all kinds of noises and finally finding who he was looking for. Between sitting and lying down on a bed, a book in his hands. Dad looked more like someone that was trying to not fall asleep where he was. Dad didn't have a shirt or anything covering up the upper half of his body, letting him see some bandages surrounding his abdomen.

- Dad? - Dad was hurt thanks to him, wasn't he?

- Lambo? – It seemed that dad couldn't see him, because he was looking everywhere in confusion. - Kyoya, did Lambo come?

Well, Kyoya didn't need to answer, though he probably wouldn't have. The surprise in his dad's face was very funny to see, barely catching him before going down with the sheets to the floor. A book was left somewhere.

- You could have told me something, you know. - It was a little scolding that didn't sound like one. It couldn't, not with that good mood or with those sparkling eyes. - Good thing you came, it is very lonely here... - He didn't see anyone else, if that was what dad was referring to.

- Lambo-sama wanted to see dad. - Because, not matter what: - Lambo-sama missed dad. – And with what happened...

- Awww, I missed you too. - His face was showered in kisses. Before knowing, he was comfy in dad's arms, hearing a story about dragons and knights and a princess.

- I don't want to go. - No, he really didn't want to, but the time was not on his side if his dad already put him at his side on the bed.

- Very soon you will see me all the time. - His dad smiled a lot, finding his surprise and hope cute. - I don't think you will recognise me at the beginning, but-

- I would never mistake my dad! Never ever! - Its simplicity was not possible.

- Ah, I see. - He was pinched in the cheek, and his goodbye was: - I will be waiting to meet you. Don't make me wait too much, alright?


- The Tenth will give a lot of headaches... - Reborn hasn't meet the boy and he already had headaches.

He more than understood the point that the kid was very important to the Tenth. It was not necessary to see said kid appear with a black card with the Vongola's mark on it. The Bovino's family were paying everything, he was keeping an eye on the kid, and yet the future Tenth did just give another pass to the kid using the name of Vongola.

If the kid wanted a jet, the kid would get a jet. How could give something like that to a kid that did not have any idea of what he could do with that thing?

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