Chapter 11

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After meeting the future Tenth, it was somewhat obvious why he was "special" with Lambo. That didn't stop Reborn from trying to remove the kid, pretending said kid didn't exist. Reborn knew that it was useless, but he had to try.

- Resolve this using this method I explained to you, Dame-Tsuna. - With a gun to his head it should be something easy to do, shouldn't it?

The boy doubted again, looking from the corner of his eyes at the kid crying rivers in the room. Reborn, internally, frowned, thinking that he should have thrown the kid out the window and closed shut said window. Maybe then-

- Resolve the equation, Dame-Tsuna. - The click of a gun did more effect than his words, but not for long.

Instead of getting back to his seat, the boy looked at him for a second before ignoring him completely. Reborn dropped the gun, feeling a mix between pride and fury. The eyes of the boy had a gold shine, and he knew that, with more pressure, they would have become orange as proof of his will. A show that he wouldn't be able to stop him.

There was no accusation. There was no fury. There was not even fear. There was any of that in those eyes for a fraction of a second. The only thing that was there, though difficult to explain, could be summarized in: "you won't stop me".

That was how Reborn ended watching his student smile, nervous, but still kindly, at the kid while offering said kid candy. He was almost sure that those were the same kind of candy the kid had after returning from the future. And Tsunayoshi had to make things worse. Cleaning the kid's tears and make the kid smile and get up was not enough.

- I am the great Lambo-sama! - Like the tears never came, even if the tears were still being cleaned off. - Who are you?

- You can call me Tsuna. -Tsunayoshi was still unsure about how to approach the kid. That didn't stop him. - Come, let's go to see mom. She will be happy to see you and she will give you more candy, if you want. What do you say?

Blinks. It was like Lambo didn't know how to see his "savior"

- I like you! - Of course the kid would like him, of course, how could he not... - You will be the great Lambo-sama's servant!

Only someone with a very, very kind heart, and that liked kids would be able to-

- Hiiieeeee, servant? – That didn't stop Tsuna from taking the kid and basically spoiling him rotten, even though Tsuna was not fully aware of this fact. - J-Just lets go to see mom, yes? I am sure you will love her...

Reborn had to at least try. The probabilities were too low, but he had to try. Dealing with kids wasn't enjoyable, especially this kind...

Minutes later, while Reborn made sure that the idiot student he had felt his irritation, Reborn heard perfectly: puff!

In another time and place, a kid appeared in the middle of what seemed to be a study session.

- Great, now he won't want to study all day... - Mumbled a man with gray hair. Said man took his glasses off and closed the book he had in hand. The man took off the whiteboard before saying: - Tenth shouldn't be too busy at this time, so let's go kid. - It wasn't said in bad manner, so Lambo did not doubt in following him.

This man knew exactly who he wanted to see, and if this man did something he didn't like, he would just tell dad the next time he saw him. No one liked when he did that, he didn't get why. It wasn't like his dad did more than give them a bad face and tell them that they shouldn't do those things because it was not a nice thing to do.

- Hey Gokudera! - And there it was the guy with the odd smile. He didn't like that man too much.

- Later, Lambo wants his dad. - The man with gray hair rolled his eyes saying this, not stopping at all.

- Tsuna isn't in his office. - At this the man with gray hair stopped immediately. - He left a bit ago. He wanted to lie down for a while. His wound is giving him grief. - Informed the other man, scratching his neck in a nervous gesture. - Well, I will leave you to it. I will get Tsuna some pills and tea.

- Tsk. - Something too low in volume was said before the man looked at him to tell him: - You are lucky his room is not far away from here and that we were told in time kid.

- I want dad. - He stuck out his tongue.

- You will see him. - The man stuck his tongue too. - Come on, before he falls asleep.

It wasn't long. They didn't knock on the door or anything. Dad was petrified, looking at them with such big eyes, about to take off his pants.

- Your son is looking for you. - The man with gray hair didn't have anything to fear, did he? - Need help? You should get down or do any pressure there. You remember that, right?

- It is not that bad... - A whine, but still dad nodded anyway.

- Yamamoto told us that your wound was giving you some grief and it will give you more if you aren't careful. - He was following the conversation well.

He got it when the shirt was removed too, letting him see bandages somewhat bloody close to his dad's side.

- Thanks. - PJs. His dad only wanted comfy clothes. His dad was going to sleep, wasn't he? - Hey Lambo. How are you today? Come here, come~

- I will leave you two be. - The man with the gray hair excused himself, closing the door after him before anyone could stop him.

He didn't need dad to repeat himself. He missed him a lot!

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