Fulfilling The Wish (Elise & Alfin)

Start from the beginning

Musse <3

You chuckled quietly. If Alfin was brave on romance, Musse takes it a step further, regardless of boundaries. Well, seeing that you made it this far with the harem, why not? You sent a reply back right away. You were thinking of asking about Juna, but she's back in Crossbell for the holidays.

The train arrived in Roer and you received another message, this time from Alisa.

Hi, Y/N. You doing good? I'm afraid I won't be back in Roer just yet. I've gotta attend a few important meetings in Crossbell. If it goes well, I should be back home in at least two days from now. As for the harem progress, you can tell me when I see you again.

Love you, Y/N xxx

You replied back and switched lanes to get the train on the Ymir Branch Line that brought you all the way to Ymir. This was the place where you grew up in and learned to become a trained swordsman. But you were here for a different reason, to find Elise and Alfin.

Leaving the cable car travel area which was the safest way to get up there, you looked around to see the village not having changed much. For you, this was home and nothing could take that away.

"Feels good to be home." You said. "I better check in with Elise's parents first, they'll probably be in there."

You made your way to the Schwarzer family home and waiting outside was a big fluffy dog that immediately barked before running up to you.

"Hey there, Badeaux. I can tell you missed me. Are they all in today?"


"Got it. I'll see myself in."

After petting his head, you walked inside the family mansion.

"Anybody home?" You called.

"Oh, is that Y/N? Come on in the dining room." A voice replied.

You walked to the dining room to find Alfin, Elise and her father, Teo, by the table.

"Y/N, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon." Elise said as she hugged you.

You hugged her back. "Yeah, I bet it's a surprise, but I realized that I had more time for today than I thought, so I reckon why not come here for the day?"

"Well, I'm glad you did." Alfin said. "And you're just in time, dinner will almost be ready."

"Good to see you, Y/N." Teo greeted. "How's life as a hero and an instructor?"

"Quite a workload to get through, even though there's peace now." You replied as you took a seat next to Elise. "And how have you been, Mr. Schwarzer?"

"Oh, I've been getting by. Just glad to finally have a year where we don't need to worry about the continent being in dire jeopardy."

"So what brings you to our home?" Elise asked. "It couldn't possibly be because of me."

"Well, why else would he visit us today?" Alfin teased. "But joking aside, it's good that you are here, because we've wanting to talk to you for some time."

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